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OM25180FDKM Datasheet(PDF) 18 Page - NXP Semiconductors |
OM25180FDKM Datasheet(HTML) 18 Page - NXP Semiconductors |
18 / 149 page PN5180 All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © NXP Semiconductors N.V. 2016. All rights reserved. Product data sheet COMPANY PUBLIC Rev. 3.0 — 7 October 2016 240930 18 of 149 NXP Semiconductors PN5180 High-performance multi-protocol full NFC Forum-compliant frontend Direct Instructions are built of a command code (1 Byte) and the instruction parameters (max. 260 bytes). The actual payload size depends on the instruction used. Responses to direct instructions contain only a payload field (no header). All instructions are bound to conditions. If at least one of the conditions is not fulfilled, an exception is raised. In case of an exception, the IRQ line of PN5180 is asserted and corresponding interrupt status register contain information on the exception. Transmission Buffer Two buffers are implemented in the PN5180. The transmission buffer has a buffer size of 260 bytes, the reception buffer has a size of 508 bytes. Both memories buffer the input and output data streams between the host and the internal state machine / contactless UART of the PN5180. Thus, it is possible to handle data streams with lengths of up to 260 bytes for transmission and up to 508 bytes for reception without taking timing constraints into account. Host Interface Command List Fig 11. Instruction Response aaa-023431 Payload 1 Payload 2 Payload N Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte N ...... Table 5. 1-Byte Direct Commands and Direct Command Codes Command Command code Description WRITE_REGISTER 0x00 Write one 32bit register value WRITE_REGISTER_OR_MASK 0x01 Sets one 32bit register value using a 32 bit OR mask WRITE_REGISTER_AND_MASK 0x02 Sets one 32bit register value using a 32 bit AND mask WRITE_REGISTER_MULTIPLE 0x03 Processes an array of register addresses in random order and performs the defined action on these addresses. READ_REGISTER 0x04 Reads one 32bit register value READ_REGISTER_MULTIPLE 0x05 Reads from an array of max.18 register addresses in random order WRITE_EEPROM 0x06 Processes an array of EEPROM addresses in random order and writes the value to these addresses READ_EEPROM 0x07 Processes an array of EEPROM addresses from a start address and reads the values from these addresses WRITE_TX_DATA 0x08 This instruction is used to write data into the transmission buffer SEND_DATA 0x09 This instruction is used to write data into the transmission buffer, the START_SEND bit is automatically set. READ_DATA 0x0A This instruction is used to read data from reception buffer, after successful reception. SWITCH_MODE 0x0B This instruction is used to switch the mode. It is only possible to switch from NormalMode to standby, LPCD or Autocoll. |
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