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SCC68681 Datasheet(PDF) 15 Page - NXP Semiconductors |
SCC68681 Datasheet(HTML) 15 Page - NXP Semiconductors |
15 / 29 page Philips Semiconductors Product data SCC68681 Dual asynchronous receiver/transmitter (DUART) 2004 Apr 06 15 OPCR – Output Port Configuration Register OPCR[7] – OP7 Output Select This bit programs the OP7 output to provide one of the following: 0: The complement of OPR[7]. 1: The Channel B transmitter interrupt output which is the comple- ment of TxRDYB. When in this mode OP7 acts as an open- drain output. Note that this output is not masked by the contents of the IMR. OPCR[6] – OP6 Output Select This bit programs the OP6 output to provide one of the following: 0: The complement of OPR[6]. 1: The Channel A transmitter interrupt output which is the comple- ment of TxRDYA. When in this mode OP6 acts as an open- drain output. Note that this output is not masked by the contents of the IMR. OPCR[5] – OP5 Output Select This bit programs the OP5 output to provide one of the following: 0: The complement of OPR[5]. 1: The Channel B transmitter interrupt output which is the comple- ment of ISR[5]. When in this mode OP5 acts as an open-drain output. Note that this output is not masked by the contents of the IMR. OPCR[4] – OP4 Output Select This field programs the OP4 output to provide one of the following: 0: The complement of OPR[4]. 1: The Channel A receiver interrupt output which is the comple- ment of ISR[1]. When in this mode OP4 acts as an open-drain output. Note that this output is not masked by the contents of the IMR. OPCR[3:2] – OP3 Output Select This bit programs the OP3 output to provide one of the following: 00: The complement of OPR[3]. 01: The counter/timer output, in which case OP3 acts as an open- drain output. In the timer mode, this output is a square wave at the programmed frequency. In the counter mode, the output remains HIGH until terminal count is reached, at which time it goes LOW. The output returns to the HIGH state when the counter is stopped by a stop counter command. Note that this output is not masked by the contents of the IMR. 10: The 1 × clock for the Channel B transmitter, which is the clock that shifts the transmitted data. If data is not being transmitted, a free running 1 × clock is output. 11: The 1 × clock for the Channel B receiver, which is the clock that samples the received data. If data is not being received, a free running 1 × clock is output. OPCR[1:0] – OP2 Output Select This field programs the OP2 output to provide one of the following: 00: The complement of OPR[2]. 01: The 16 × clock for the Channel A transmitter. This is the clock selected by CSRA[3:0], and will be a 1 × clock if CSRA[3:0] = 1111. 10: The 1 × clock for the Channel A transmitter, which is the clock that shifts the transmitted data. If data is not being transmitted, a free running 1 × clock is output. 11: The 1 × clock for the Channel A receiver, which is the clock that samples the received data. If data is not being received, a free running 1 × clock is output. Table 4. Bit Rate Generator Characteristics Crystal or Clock = 3.6864MHz NORMAL RATE (BAUD) ACTUAL 16 × CLOCK (kHz) ERROR (%) 50 0.8 0 75 1.2 0 110 1.759 –0.069 134.5 2.153 0.059 150 2.4 0 200 3.2 0 300 4.8 0 600 9.6 0 1050 16.756 –0.260 1200 19.2 0 1800 28.8 0 2000 32.056 0.175 2400 38.4 0 4800 76.8 0 7200 115.2 0 9600 153.6 0 14.4 k 230.4 0 19.2 k 307.2 0 28.8 k 460.8 0 38.4 k 614.4 0 57.6 k 921.6 0 115.2 k 1843.2 k 0 NOTE: Duty cycle of 16 × clock is 50% ± 1%. Rates will change in direct proportion to to the X1 rate of 3.6864 MHz. Asynchronous UART communications can tolerate frequency error of 4.1% to 6.7% in a ‘clean’ communications channel. The percent of error changes as the character length changes. The above percentages range from 5 bits not parity to 8 bits with parity and one stop bit. The error with 8 bits not parity and one stop bit is 4.6%. If a stop bit length of 9/16 is used, the error tolerance will approach 0 due to a variable error of up to 1/16 bit time in receiver clock phase alignment to the start bit. |
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