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SCC68681 Datasheet(PDF) 13 Page - NXP Semiconductors

Part # SCC68681
Description  Dual asynchronous receiver/transmitter
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Manufacturer  PHILIPS [NXP Semiconductors]
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Dual asynchronous receiver/transmitter (DUART)
2004 Apr 06
CSRB – Channel B Clock Select Register
CSRB[7:4] – Channel B Receiver Clock Select
This field selects the baud rate clock for the Channel B receiver. The
field definition is as shown in Table 3, except as follows:
Baud Rate
ACR[7] = 0
ACR[7] = 1
The receiver clock is always a 16
× clock except for CSRB[7:4] = 1111.
CSRB[3:0] – Channel B Transmitter Clock Select
This field selects the baud rate clock for the Channel B transmitter.
The field definition is as shown in Table 3, except as follows:
Baud Rate
ACR[7] = 0
ACR[7] = 1
The transmitter clock is always a 16
× clock except for
CSRB[3:0] = 1111.
CRA – Channel A Command Register
CRA is a register used to supply commands to Channel A. Multiple
commands can be specified in a single write to CRA as long as the
commands are non-conflicting, e.g., the ‘enable transmitter’ and
‘reset transmitter’ commands cannot be specified in a single
command word.
CRA[7] – Not Used
Should be set to zero for upward compatibility with newer parts.
CRA[6:4] – Miscellaneous Commands
The encoded value of this field may be used to specify a single
command as follows:
NOTE: Access to the upper four bits of the command register should
be separated by three (3) edges of the X1 clock.
No command.
Reset MR pointer. Causes the Channel A MR pointer to point
to MR1.
Reset receiver. Resets the Channel A receiver as if a
hardware reset had been applied. The receiver is disabled
and the FIFO is flushed.
Reset transmitter. Resets the Channel A transmitter as if a
hardware reset had been applied.
Reset error status. Clears the Channel A Received Break,
Parity Error, and Overrun Error bits in the status register
(SRA[7:4]). Used in character mode to clear OE status
(although RB, PE and FE bits will also be cleared) and in
block mode to clear all error status after a block of data has
been received.
Reset Channel A break change interrupt. Causes the
Channel A break detect change bit in the interrupt status
register (ISR[2]) to be cleared to zero.
Start break. Forces the TxDA output LOW (spacing). If the
transmitter is empty the start of the break condition will be
delayed up to two bit times. If the transmitter is active the
break begins when transmission of the character is
completed. If a character is in the THR, the start of the break
will be delayed until that character, or any other loaded
subsequently are transmitted. The transmitter must be
enabled for this command to be accepted.
Stop break. The TxDA line will go HIGH (marking) within two
bit times. TxDA will remain HIGH for one bit time before the
next character, if any, is transmitted.
CRA[3] – Disable Channel A Transmitter
This command terminates transmitter operation and reset the
TxDRY and TxEMT status bits. However, if a character is being
transmitted or if a character is in the THR when the transmitter is
disabled, the transmission of the character(s) is completed before
assuming the inactive state.
CRA[2] – Enable Channel A Transmitter
Enables operation of the Channel A transmitter. The TxRDY status
bit will be asserted.
CRA[1] – Disable Channel A Receiver
This command terminates operation of the receiver immediately – a
character being received will be lost. The command has no effect on
the receiver status bits or any other control registers. If the special
multidrop mode is programmed, the receiver operates even if it is
disabled. See Operation section.
CRA[0] – Enable Channel A Receiver
Enables operation of the Channel A receiver. If not in the special
wake-up mode, this also forces the receiver into the search for
start-bit state.
Note: Performing a Disable and Enable at the same time results in
CRB – Channel B Command Register
CRB is a register used to supply commands to Channel B. Multiple
commands can be specified in a single write to CRB as long as the
commands are non-conflicting, e.g., the ‘enable transmitter’ and
‘reset transmitter’ commands cannot be specified in a single
command word.
The bit definitions for this register are identical to the bit definitions
for CRA, except that all control actions apply to the Channel B
receiver and transmitter and the corresponding inputs and outputs.,
SRA – Channel A Status Register
SRA[7] – Channel A Received Break
This bit indicates that an all zero character of the programmed
length has been received without a stop bit. Only a single FIFO
position is occupied when a break is received further entries to the
FIFO are inhibited until the RxDA line to the marking state for at
least one-half a bit time two successive edges of the internal or
external 1
× clock. This will usually require a HIGH time of one X1
clock period or 3 X1 edges since the clock of the controller is
not synchronous to the X1 clock.
When this bit is set, the Channel A ‘change in break’ bit in the ISR
(ISR[2]) is set. ISR[2] is also set when the end of the break
condition, as defined above, is detected.
The break detect circuitry can detect breaks that originate in the
middle of a received character. However, if a break begins in the
middle of a character, it must persist until at least the end of the next
character time in order for it to be detected.
SRA[6] – Channel A Framing Error
This bit, when set, indicates that a stop bit was not detected when
the corresponding data character in the FIFO was received. The
stop bit check is made in the middle of the first stop bit position.
SRA[5] – Channel A Parity Error
This bit is set when the ‘with parity’ or ‘force parity’ mode is
programmed and the corresponding character in the FIFO was
received with incorrect parity.
In the special multidrop mode the parity error bit stores the receive
A/D bit.

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