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SCC68681 Datasheet(PDF) 8 Page - NXP Semiconductors |
SCC68681 Datasheet(HTML) 8 Page - NXP Semiconductors |
8 / 29 page Philips Semiconductors Product data SCC68681 Dual asynchronous receiver/transmitter (DUART) 2004 Apr 06 8 re-asserted (set to ‘0’) automatically. This feature can be used to prevent an overrun, in the receiver, by connecting the RTSN output to the CTSN input of the transmitting device. Receiver Reset and Disable Receiver disable stops the receiver immediately – data being assembled if the receiver shift register is lost. Data and status in the FIFO is preserved and may be read. A re-enable of the receiver after a disable will cause the receiver to begin assembling characters at the next start bit detected. A receiver reset will discard the present shift register data, reset the receiver ready bit (RxRDY), clear the status of the byte at the top of the FIFO and re-align the FIFO read/write pointers. This has the appearance of ‘clearing or flushing’ the receiver FIFO. In fact, the FIFO is NEVER cleared! The data in the FIFO remains valid until overwritten by another received character. Because of this, erroneous reading or extra reads of the receiver FIFO will mis-align the FIFO pointers and result in the reading of previously read data. A receiver reset will re-align the pointers. Multidrop Mode The DUART is equipped with a wake up mode for multidrop applications. This mode is selected by programming bits MR1A[4:3] or MR1B[4:3] to ‘11’ for Channels A and B, respectively. In this mode of operation, a ‘master’ station transmits an address character followed by data characters for the addressed ‘slave’ station. The slave stations, with receivers that are normally disabled, examine the received data stream and ‘wake up’ the CPU (by setting RxRDY) only upon receipt of an address character. The CPU compares the received address to its station address and enables the receiver if it wishes to receive the subsequent data characters. Upon receipt of another address character, the CPU may disable the receiver to initiate the process again. A transmitted character consists of a start bit, the programmed number of data bits, and Address/Data (A/D) bit, and the programmed number of stop bits. The polarity of the transmitted A/D bit is selected by the CPU by programming bit MR1A[2]/MR1B[2]. MR1A[2]/MR1B[2] = 0 transmits a zero in the A/D bit position, which identifies the corresponding data bits as data while MR1A[2]/MR1B[2] = 1 transmits a one in the A/D bit position, which identifies the corresponding data bits as an address. The CPU should program the mode register prior to loading the corresponding data bits into the THR. In this mode, the receiver continuously looks at the received data stream, whether it is enabled or disabled. If disabled, it sets the RxRDY status bit and loads the character into the RHR FIFO if the received A/D bit is a one (address tag), but discards the received character if the received A/D bit is a zero (data tag). If enabled, all received characters are transferred to the CPU via the RHR. In either case, the data bits are loaded into the data FIFO while the A/D bit is loaded into the status FIFO position normally used for parity error (SRA[5] or SRB[5]). Framing error, overrun error, and break detect operate normally whether or not the receive is enabled. PROGRAMMING The operation of the DUART is programmed by writing control words into the appropriate registers. Operational feedback is provided via status registers which can be read by the CPU. The addressing of the registers is described in Table 1. The contents of certain control registers are initialized to zero on RESETN. Care should be exercised if the contents of a register are changed during operation, since certain changes may cause operational problems. For example, changing the number of bits per character while the transmitter is active may cause the transmission of an incorrect character. In general, the contents of the MR, the CSR, and the OPCR should only be changed while the receiver(s) and transmitter(s) are not enabled, and certain changes to the ACR should only be made while the C/T is stopped. Mode registers 1 and 2 of each channel are accessed via independent auxiliary pointers. The pointer is set to MR1x by RESET or by issuing a ‘reset pointer’ command via the corresponding command register. Any read or write of the mode register while the pointer is at MR1x, switches the pointer to MR2x. The pointer then remains at MR2x, so that subsequent accesses are always to MR2x unless the pointer is reset to MR1x as described above. Mode, command, clock select, and status registers are duplicated for each channel to provide total independent operation and control. Refer to Table 2 for register bit descriptions. Table 1. SCC68681 Register Addressing A4 A3 A2 A1 READ (R/WN = 1) WRITE (R/WN = 0) 0 0 0 0 Mode Register A (MR1A, MR2A) Mode Register A (MR1A, MR2A) 0 0 0 1 Status Register A (SRA) Clock Select Register A (CSRA) 0 0 1 0 BRG Test Command Register A (CRA) 0 0 1 1 Rx Holding Register A (RHRA) Tx Holding Register A (THRA) 0 1 0 0 Input Port Change Register (IPCR) Aux. Control Register (ACR) 0 1 0 1 Interrupt Status Register (ISR) Interrupt Mask Register (IMR) 0 1 1 0 Counter/Timer Upper Value (CTU) C/T Upper Preset Value (CRUR) 0 1 1 1 Counter/Timer Lower Value (CTL) C/T Lower Preset Value (CTLR) 1 0 0 0 Mode Register B (MR1B, MR2B) Mode Register B (MR1B, MR2B) 1 0 0 1 Status Register B (SRB) Clock Select Register B (CSRB) 1 0 1 0 1 ×/16× Test Command Register B (CRB) 1 0 1 1 Rx Holding Register B (RHRB) Tx Holding Register B (THRB) 1 1 0 0 Interrupt Vector Register (IVR) Interrupt Vector Register (IVR) 1 1 0 1 Input Ports IP0 to IP6 Output Port Conf. Register (OPCR) 1 1 1 0 Start Counter Command Set Output Port Bits Command 1 1 1 1 Stop Counter Command Reset Output Port Bits Command * See Table 6 for BRG Test frequencies in this data sheet, and “Extended baud rates for SCN2681, SCN68681, SCC2691, SCC2692, SCC68681 and SCC2698B” in application notes elsewhere in this publication |
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