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GS2970A Datasheet(PDF) 15 Page - Semtech Corporation |
GS2970A Datasheet(HTML) 15 Page - Semtech Corporation |
15 / 150 page GS2970A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Data Sheet 54244 - 2 September 2012 15 of 150 H7 20bit/10bit Input CONTROL SIGNAL INPUT Please refer to the Input Logic parameters in theDC Electrical Characteristics table for logic level threshold and compatibility. Used to select the output bus width. HIGH = 20-bit, LOW = 10-bit. H8 IOPROC_EN/DIS Input CONTROL SIGNAL INPUT Please refer to the Input Logic parameters in the DC Electrical Characteristics table for logic level threshold and compatibility. Used to enable or disable audio and video processing features. When IOPROC_EN is HIGH, the audio and video processing features of the device are enabled. When IOPROC_EN is LOW, the processing features of the device are disabled, and the device is in a low-latency operating mode. J1, K1 SDO, SDO Output Serial Data Output Signal. 50 Ω CML buffer for interfacing to an external cable driver. Serial digital output signal operating at 2.97Gb/s, 2.97/1.001Gb/s, 1.485Gb/s, 1.485/1.001Gb/s and 270Mb/s. J2 SDO_EN/DIS Input CONTROL SIGNAL INPUT Please refer to the Input Logic parameters in the DC Electrical Characteristics table for logic level threshold and compatibility. Used to enable/disable the serial digital output stage. When SDO_EN/DIS is LOW, the serial digital output signals, SDO and SDO, are both pulled HIGH. When SDO_EN/DIS is HIGH, the serial digital output signals, SDO and SDO, are enabled. J3 AOUT_1/2 Output Serial Audio Output; Channels 1 and 2. Please refer to the Output Logic parameters in the DC Electrical Characteristics table for logic level threshold and compatibility. J4ACLK Output 64fs sample clock for audio. Please refer to the Output Logic parameters in the DC Electrical Characteristics table for logic level threshold and compatibility. J5 AOUT_5/6 Output Serial Audio Output; Channels 5 and 6. Please refer to the Output Logic parameters in the DC Electrical Characteristics table for logic level threshold and compatibility. J6, K6 XTAL2, XTAL1 Analog Input Input connection for 27MHz crystal. K2 STANDBY Input CONTROL SIGNAL INPUT Please refer to the Input Logic parameters in the DC Electrical Characteristics table for logic level threshold and compatibility. When this pin is set HIGH, the device is placed in a power-saving mode. No data processing occurs, and the digital I/Os are powered down. In this mode, the serial digital output signals, SDO and SDO, are both pulled HIGH. K3 AOUT_3/4 Output Serial Audio Output; Channels 3 and 4. Please refer to the Output Logic parameters in the DC Electrical Characteristics table for logic level threshold and compatibility. Table 1-1:Pin Descriptions (Continued) Pin Number Name Timing Type Description |
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