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GS2970A Datasheet(PDF) 74 Page - Semtech Corporation |
GS2970A Datasheet(HTML) 74 Page - Semtech Corporation |
74 / 150 page GS2970A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Data Sheet 54244 - 2 September 2012 74 of 150 4.18.2 Line Based CRC Correction & Insertion When CRC Error Correction and Insertion is enabled, the GS2970A generates and inserts line based CRC words into both the Y and C channels of the data stream. Line based CRC word generation and insertion only occurs in HD and 3G modes, and is enabled in when the IOPROC_EN/DIS pin is HIGH and the CRC_INS_DSX_MASK bit in the IOPROC_X register is set LOW. 4.18.3 Line Number Error Correction & Insertion When Line Number Error Correction and Insertion is enabled, the GS2970A calculates and inserts line numbers into the output data stream. Re-calculated line numbers are inserted into both the Y and C channels. Line number generation is in accordance with the relevant HD or 3G video standard as determined by the Automatic Standards Detection block. This feature is enabled when the device is operating in HD or 3G modes, the IOPROC_EN/DIS pin is HIGH and the LNUM_INS_DSX_MASK bit in the IOPROC_X register is set LOW. 4.18.4 ANC Data Checksum Error Correction & Insertion When ANC data Checksum Error Correction and Insertion is enabled, the GS2970A generates and inserts ancillary data checksums for all ancillary data words by default. Where user specified ancillary data has been programmed (see Section 4.17.1), only the checksums for the programmed ancillary data are corrected. This feature is enabled when the IOPROC_EN/DIS pin is HIGH and the ANC_CHECKSUM_INSERTION_DSX_MASK bit in the IOPROC_X register is set LOW. 4.18.5 EDH CRC Correction & Insertion When EDH CRC Error Correction and Insertion is enabled, the GS2970A generates and overwrites full field and active picture CRC check-words. Additionally, the device sets the active picture and full field CRC 'V' bits HIGH in the EDH packet. The AP_CRC_V and FF_CRC_V register bits only report the received EDH validity flags. EDH FF and AP CRC's are only inserted when the device is operating in SD mode, and if the EDH data packet is detected in the received video data. Although the GS2970A modifies and inserts EDH CRC's and EDH packet checksums, EDH error flags are only updated when the EDH_FLAG_UPDATE_MASK bit is LOW. This feature is enabled in SD mode, when the IOPROC_EN/DIS pin is HIGH and the EDH_CRC_INS_MASK bit in the IOPROC_1 register is set LOW. |
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