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GS2970A Datasheet(PDF) 68 Page - Semtech Corporation |
GS2970A Datasheet(HTML) 68 Page - Semtech Corporation |
68 / 150 page GS2970A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Data Sheet 54244 - 2 September 2012 68 of 150 For a 3G data stream formatted as per Level A mapping: • The ancillary data is placed in Data Stream 1 first, with overflow into Data Stream 2 • SMPTE 352M packets are duplicated in both data streams For a 3G data stream formatted as per Level B mapping: • Each multiplexed data stream forming the 3G signal contains ancillary data embedded according to SMPTE 291M • Each multiplexed data stream forming the 3G signal contains SMPTE 352M packets embedded according to SMPTE 425M When operating in HD mode, the Y/1ANC signal is HIGH whenever ancillary data is detected in the Luma data stream, and C/2ANC is HIGH whenever ancillary data is detected in the Chroma data stream. The signals are asserted HIGH at the start of the ancillary data preamble, and remain HIGH until after the ancillary data checksum. When detecting ancillary data in 3G Level A data, the Y/1ANC status output is HIGH whenever Data Stream 1 ancillary data is detected and the C/2ANC status output is HIGH whenever Data Stream 2 ancillary data is detected. When detecting ancillary data in 3G Level B data, the Y/1ANC status output is HIGH whenever Data Stream 1 ancillary data is detected on either Y or C channels and the C/2ANC status output is HIGH whenever Data Stream 2 ancillary data is detected on either Y or C channels. When operating in SD mode, the Y/1ANC and C/2ANC signals depend on the output data format. For 20-bit demultiplexed data, the Y/1ANC and C/2ANC signals operate independently to indicate the first and last ancillary Data Word position in the Luma and/or Chroma data streams. For 10-bit multiplexed data, the Y/1ANC signal is HIGH whenever ancillary data is detected, and the C/2ANC signal is always LOW. When operating in 3G modes, the Y/1ANC and C/2ANC flags are both zero if the 10-bit multiplexed output format is selected. These status signal outputs are synchronous with PCLK and may be used as clock-enables for external logic, or as write-enables for an external FIFO or other memory devices. The operation of the Y/1ANC and C/2ANC signals is shown below in Figure 4-30. NOTE 2: When I/O processing is disabled, the Y/1ANC and C/2ANC flags may toggle, but they are invalid and should be ignored. NOTE 3: In 3G Level B mode, if the ANC_EXT_SEL_DS2_DS1 bit is HIGH and the ANC_DATA_DELETE bit is HIGH, the Y/1ANC and C/2ANC flags are not valid. NOTE 4: For 3G Level B data, the Y/1ANC flag identifies all ANC data on Data Stream 1 (Link A), whether it is embedded in the Y or C component – ANC data is not identified separately for each component. Similarly, the C/2ANC flag identifies all ANC data on Data Stream 2 (Link B), whether it is embedded in the Y or C component. |
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