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GS2970A Datasheet(PDF) 34 Page - Semtech Corporation |
GS2970A Datasheet(HTML) 34 Page - Semtech Corporation |
34 / 150 page GS2970A 3Gb/s, HD, SD SDI Receiver Data Sheet 54244 - 2 September 2012 34 of 150 NOTE 1: The part will lock into ASI in Auto mode, but could falsely unlock for some ASI input patterns. NOTE 2: In Standby mode, the reclocker PLL unlocks. However, the LOCKED signal retains whatever state it previously held. So, if before Standby assertion, the LOCKED signal is HIGH, then during standby, it remains HIGH regardless of the status of the PLL. 4.7.1 Asynchronous Lock The lock detection algorithm is a continuous process, beginning at device power-up or after a system reset. It continues until the device is powered down or held in reset. The device first determines if a valid serial digital input signal has been presented to the device. If no valid serial data stream has been detected, the serial data into the device is considered invalid, and the LOCKED signal is LOW. Once a valid input signal has been detected, the asynchronous lock algorithm enters a “hunt” phase, in which the device attempts to detect the presence of either TRS words or DVB-ASI sync words. By default, the device powers up in auto mode (the AUTO/MAN bit in the host interface is set HIGH). In this mode, the device operating frequency toggles between 3G, HD and SD rates as it attempts to lock to the incoming data rate. The PCLK output continues to operate, and the frequency may switch between 148.5MHz, 74.25MHz, 27MHz and 13.5MHz. When the device is operating in manual mode (AUTO/MAN bit in the host interface is LOW), the operating frequency needs to be set through the host interface using the RATE_DET[1:0] bits. In this mode, the asynchronous lock algorithm does not toggle the operating rate of the device and attempts to lock within a single standard. Lock is achieved within three lines of the selected standard. Table 4-4:Lock Detect Conditions Mode of Operation Mode Setting Condition for Locked Data-Through Mode SMPTE_BYPASS = LOW DVB_ASI = LOW Reclocker PLL is locked. SMPTE Mode SMPTE_BYPASS = HIGH DVB_ASI = LOW Reclocker PLL is locked. Two consecutive TRS words are detected in a two-line window. SMPTE Mode with Lock Noise-Immunity Enabled SMPTE_BYPASS = HIGH DVB_ASI = LOW Bit 0x085[10] set to 1 AUTO/MAN = HIGH Reclocker PLL is locked. Two consecutive TRS words are detected in a two-line window. The last two detected TRS words must have the same alignment. NOTE: Auto mode only. Not supported in Manual mode. DVB_ASI Mode SMPTE_BYPASS = LOW DVB_ASI = HIGH Bit AUTO/MAN = LOW Reclocker PLL is locked. 32 consecutive DVB_ASI words with no errors are detected within a 128-word window. |
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