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INA3221-Q1 Datasheet(PDF) 12 Page - Texas Instruments |
INA3221-Q1 Datasheet(HTML) 12 Page - Texas Instruments |
12 / 45 page Power Valid Output High Low All enabled channel bus voltages are above the power-valid upper limit. All enabled channel bus voltages are not above the power-valid upper limit. At least one bus voltage channel has dropped below the power-valid lower limit. All enabled channel bus voltages are above the power-valid upper limit. 12 INA3221-Q1 SBOS776B – MARCH 2016 – REVISED MARCH 2016 www.ti.com Product Folder Links: INA3221-Q1 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Feature Description (continued) Power-Valid Alert The power-valid alert verifies if all power rails are above the required levels. This feature manages power sequencing, and validates the reported measurements based on system configuration. Power-valid mode starts at power-up, and detects when each channel exceeds a 10-V threshold. This 10-V level is the default value programmed into the Power-Valid Upper-Limit register. This value can be reprogrammed when the INA3221-Q1 is powered up to a valid supply-voltage level of at least 2.7 V. When all three bus-voltage measurements reach the programmed value loaded to the Power-Valid Upper-Limit register, the power-valid (PV) alert pin pulls high. PV powers up in a low state, and does not pull high until the power-valid conditions are met, indicating all bus- voltage rails are above the power-valid upper-limit value. This sequence is shown in Figure 19. Figure 19. Power-Valid State Diagram When the power-valid conditions are met, and the PV pin pulls high, the INA3221-Q1 monitors if any bus-voltage measurements drop below 9 V. This 9-V level is the default value programmed into the Power-Valid Lower-Limit register. This value can also be reprogrammed when the INA3221-Q1 powers up to a supply voltage of at least 2.7 V. If any bus-voltage measurement on the three channels drops below the Power-Valid Lower-Limit register value, the PV pin goes low, indicating that the power-valid condition is no longer met. At this point, the INA3221- Q1 resumes monitoring the power rails for a power-valid condition set in the Power-Valid Upper-Limit register. The power-valid alert function is based on the power-valid conditions requirement that all three channels reach the intended Power-Valid Upper-Limit register value. If all three channels are not used, connect the unused- channel IN– pin externally to one of the used channels in order to use the power-valid alert function. If the unused channel is not connected to a valid rail, the power-valid alert function cannot detect if all three channels reach the power-valid level. Float the unused channel IN+ pin. The power-valid function also requires that bus-voltage measurements are monitored. To detect changes in the power-valid state, enable bus-voltage measurements through one of the corresponding MODE-bit settings in the Configuration register. The single-shot bus-voltage mode periodically cycles between the bus-voltage measurements to make sure that the power-valid conditions are met. When all three bus-voltage measurements are completed, the device compares the results to the power-valid threshold values to determine the power-valid state. The bus-voltage measurement values remain in the corresponding channel output registers until the bus-voltage measurements are taken again, thus updating the output registers. When the output registers are updated, the values are again compared to the power-valid thresholds. Without taking periodic bus-voltage measurements, the INA3221-Q1 is unable to determine if the power-valid conditions are maintained. |
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