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M28W160CB100N1E Datasheet(PDF) 5 Page - STMicroelectronics

Part # M28W160CB100N1E
Description  16 Mbit (1Mb x16, Boot Block) 3V Supply Flash Memory
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Manufacturer  STMICROELECTRONICS [STMicroelectronics]
Direct Link  http://www.st.com
Logo STMICROELECTRONICS - STMicroelectronics

M28W160CB100N1E Datasheet(HTML) 5 Page - STMicroelectronics

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M28W160CT, M28W160CB
The M28W160C is a 16 Mbit (1 Mbit x 16) non-vol-
atile Flash memory that can be erased electrically
at the block level and programmed in-system on a
Word-by-Word basis. These operations can be
performed using a single low voltage (2.7 to 3.6V)
supply. VDDQ allows to drive the I/O pin down to
1.65V. An optional 12V VPP power supply is pro-
vided to speed up customer programming.
The device features an asymmetrical blocked ar-
chitecture. The M28W160C has an array of 39
blocks: 8 Parameter Blocks of 4 KWord and 31
Main Blocks of 32 KWord. M28W160CT has the
Parameter Blocks at the top of the memory ad-
dress space while the M28W160CB locates the
Parameter Blocks starting from the bottom. The
memory maps are shown in Figure 5, Block Ad-
The M28W160C features an instant, individual
block locking scheme that allows any block to be
locked or unlocked with no latency, enabling in-
stant code and data protection. All blocks have
three levels of protection. They can be locked and
locked-down individually preventing any acciden-
tal programming or erasure. There is an additional
hardware protection against program and erase.
When VPP ≤VPPLK all blocks are protected against
program or erase. All blocks are locked at power-
Each block can be erased separately. Erase can
be suspended in order to perform either read or
program in any other block and then resumed.
Program can be suspended to read data in any
other block and then resumed. Each block can be
programmed and erased over 100,000 cycles.
The device includes a 128 bit Protection Register
and a Security Block to increase the protection of
a system design. The Protection Register is divid-
ed into two 64 bit segments, the first one contains
a unique device number written by ST, while the
second one is one-time-programmable by the us-
er. The user programmable segment can be per-
parameter block 0, can be permanently protected
by the user. Figure 6, shows the Security Block
and Protection Register Memory Map.
Program and Erase commands are written to the
Command Interface of the memory. An on-chip
Program/Erase Controller takes care of the tim-
ings necessary for program and erase operations.
The end of a program or erase operation can be
detected and any error conditions identified. The
command set required to control the memory is
consistent with JEDEC standards.
The memory is offered in TSOP48 (10 X 20mm)
and TFBGA46 (6.39 x 6.37mm, 0.75mm pitch)
packages and is supplied with all the bits erased
(set to ’1’).
In order to meet environmental requirements, ST
offers the M28W160C in ECOPACK® packages.
ECOPACK packages are Lead-free. The category
of second Level Interconnect is marked on the
package and on the inner box label, in compliance
with JEDEC Standard JESD97. The maximum rat-
ings related to soldering conditions are also
marked on the inner box label.
ECOPACK is an ST trademark. ECOPACK speci-
fications are available at: www.st.com.

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