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LMH0395 Datasheet(PDF) 12 Page - Texas Instruments |
LMH0395 Datasheet(HTML) 12 Page - Texas Instruments |
12 / 33 page 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 BELDEN 1694A CABLE LENGTH (m) LMH0395 SNLS323M – AUGUST 2010 – REVISED JULY 2015 www.ti.com Feature Description (continued) The SPI Control block uses the MOSI, MISO, SCK, and SS signals in SPI mode to control the SPI registers. SPI_EN selects between SPI mode and pin mode. In pin mode, SPI_EN is driven logic low. The Output Drivers produce SDO0, SDO0, SDO1, and SDO1. 7.3.1 Mute Reference (MuteREF) The mute reference sets the threshold for CD and (with CD tied to MUTE) determines the amount of cable to equalize before automatically muting the outputs. This is set by applying a voltage inversely proportional to the length of cable to equalize. The applied voltage must be greater than the MUTEREF floating voltage (typically 1.3 V) in order to change the CD threshold. As the applied MUTEREF voltage is increased, the amount of cable that can be equalized before carrier detect is de-asserted and the outputs are muted is decreased. MUTEREF may be left unconnected or connected to ground for normal CD operation. Optionally, the LMH0395 allows the mute reference to be set digitally through SPI register 03h. Figure 6 shows the minimum MUTEREF input voltage required to force carrier detect to inactive vs. Belden 1694A cable length. The results shown are valid for Belden 1694A cable lengths of 0-200 m at 2.97 Gbps, 0-220 m at 1.485 Gbps, and 0-400 m at 270 Mbps. Figure 6. MuteREF vs. Belden 1694a Cable Length 7.3.2 Carrier Detect (CD) and Mute Carrier detect CD indicates if a valid signal is present at the LMH0395 input. This signal is a logical OR operation of internal energy detector and MUTEREF setting (if used). Internal energy detector detects energy across different data rates. If MUTEREF is used, the carrier detect threshold will be altered accordingly. CD provides a high voltage when no signal is present at the LMH0395 input. CD is low when a valid input signal is detected. MUTE can be used to manually mute or enable the output drivers. Applying a high input to MUTE will mute the LMH0395 outputs by forcing the output to a logic 1. Applying a low input will force the outputs to be active. In pin mode, CD and MUTE may be tied together to automatically mute the output when no input signal is present. 7.3.3 Input Interfacing The LMH0395 accepts single-ended input. The input must be AC coupled. The Functional Block Diagram diagram shows the typical configuration for a single-ended input. The unused input must be properly terminated as shown in Figure 7 or Figure 8. The LMH0395 can be optimized for different launch amplitudes through the SPI (see Launch Amplitude Optimization in the SPI Register Access section). The LMH0395 correctly handles equalizer pathological signals for standard definition and high definition serial digital video, as described in ST RP 178 and RP 198, respectively. 12 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2010–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LMH0395 |
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