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LMH0395 Datasheet(PDF) 18 Page - Texas Instruments

Part # LMH0395
Description  3G HD/SD SDI Dual Output Low Power Extended Reach Adaptive Cable Equalizer
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Programming (continued)
The offset voltage is adjustable through bits [5:4] of SPI register 01h. The default value for these register bits is
“10b” for an output offset of 1.2 V. The output common-mode voltage may be adjusted in 200 mV increments,
from 0.8 V to 1.2 V. It can be set to “11b” for the maximum offset voltage. At this maximum offset voltage setting,
the outputs are referenced to the positive supply and the offset voltage is around 1.35 V.
The output de-emphasis is turned on or off by bit 3 of SPI register 01h, and the de-emphasis level is set by bits
[2:1] of SPI register 01h. The output de-emphasis level may be set for 0 dB (for driving up to 10” FR4), -3 dB (for
driving 10-20” FR4), -5 dB (for driving 20-30” FR4), or -7 dB (for driving 30-40” FR4). Launch Amplitude Optimization
The LMH0395 can compensate for attenuation of the input signal prior to the equalizer. This compensation is
useful for applications with a passive splitter at the equalizer input or a non-ideal input termination network, and
is controlled by SPI register 02h.
Bit 7 of SPI register 02h is used for the launch amplitude setting. At the default setting of “0”, the LMH0395
operates normally and expects a launch amplitude of 800 mVP-P. Bit 7 may be set to “1” to optimize the LMH0395
for input signals with 6 dB of attenuation (400 mVP-P). Cable Length Indicator (CLI)
The cable length indicator (CLI) provides an indication of the length of the cable attached to input. CLI is
accessible through bits [7:0] of SPI register 06h. The 8-bit setting ranges in decimal value from 0 to 247
(“00000000” to “11110111” binary), corresponding to 0 to 400m of Belden 1694A cable. For 3G and HD input,
CLI is 1.25m per step. For SD input, CLI is 1.25m per step, less 20m, from 0 to 191 decimal, and 3.5m per step
from 192 to 247 decimal.
To calculate the Belden 1694A cable length (in meters) from the CLI decimal value for 3G or HD input:
Cable Length = CLI x 1.25
To calculate the Belden 1694A cable length (in meters) from the CLI decimal value for SD input:
≤ 191,
Cable Length = (CLI x 1.25) - 20
For CLI > 191,
Cable Length = ((191 x 1.25) - 20) + ((CLI - 191) x 3.5)
Figure 14 shows typical CLI values vs. Belden 1694A cable length. CLI is valid for Belden 1694A cable lengths of
0-200 m at 2.97 Gbps, 0-220 m at 1.485 Gbps, and 0-400 m at 270 Mbps. Note: Given the continuous adaptive
nature of the equalizer, the CLI values may vary constantly within several steps.
Figure 14. CLI vs. Belden 1694a Cable Length
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Copyright © 2010–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated
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