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LM57-Q1 Datasheet(PDF) 20 Page - Texas Instruments |
LM57-Q1 Datasheet(HTML) 20 Page - Texas Instruments |
20 / 38 page ![]() LM57-Q1 SNIS191A – JULY 2015 – REVISED JULY 2015 www.ti.com 7.3.3 Resistor Selection Table 4. Trip Point (°C) vs Sense Resistor (RSENSE) Values (Ω) (1) RSENSE2 J2 (2) J3 (2) J4 (2) J5 976 k Ω 825 k Ω 698 k Ω 590 k Ω 499 k Ω 412 k Ω 340 k Ω 280 k Ω 226 k Ω 178 k Ω 140 k Ω 105 k Ω 75 k Ω 46.4 k Ω 976 k Ω –40.68 –16.26 7.33 30.38 52.73 67.77 82.74 97.47 108.61 119.62 128.46 137.28 146.08 154.77 825 k Ω –39.13 –14.76 8.79 31.81 53.68 68.71 83.67 98.17 109.30 120.18 129.01 137.83 146.62 155.31 698 k Ω –37.57 –13.27 10.24 33.24 54.62 69.65 84.60 98.86 110.00 120.73 129.56 138.38 147.16 155.85 590 k Ω –36.03 –11.78 11.70 34.67 55.56 70.59 85.53 99.56 110.70 121.28 130.12 138.93 147.71 156.39 499 k Ω –34.49 –10.29 13.15 36.10 56.50 71.52 86.46 100.25 111.39 121.84 130.67 139.49 148.25 156.93 412 k Ω –32.95 –8.81 14.60 37.53 57.44 72.46 87.40 100.95 112.09 122.39 131.22 140.04 148.80 157.46 340 k Ω –31.41 –7.32 16.05 38.95 58.39 73.40 88.33 101.64 112.79 122.94 131.77 140.59 149.34 158.00 280 k Ω –29.88 –5.83 17.49 40.38 59.33 74.33 89.26 102.34 113.48 123.50 132.32 141.14 149.88 158.54 RSENSE1 226 k Ω –28.34 –4.35 18.93 41.81 60.27 75.27 90.19 103.03 114.18 124.05 132.87 141.69 150.43 159.08 178 k Ω –26.83 –2.88 20.36 43.23 61.21 76.20 91.12 103.73 114.87 124.60 133.43 142.24 150.97 159.62 140 k Ω –25.32 –1.42 21.79 44.65 62.15 77.14 92.05 104.42 115.57 125.15 133.98 142.79 151.51 160.16 105 k Ω –23.80 0.04 23.22 46.07 63.08 78.07 92.99 105.11 116.26 125.71 134.53 143.34 152.06 75 k Ω –22.29 1.50 24.65 47.50 64.02 79.01 93.92 105.81 116.95 126.26 135.08 143.89 152.60 46.4 k Ω –20.77 2.96 26.08 48.92 64.96 79.94 94.84 106.50 117.65 126.81 135.63 144.44 153.14 22.6 k Ω –19.26 4.42 27.51 50.33 65.90 80.87 95.77 107.19 118.34 127.36 136.18 144.99 153.68 0.01 k Ω –17.75 5.88 28.94 51.75 66.84 81.81 96.70 107.89 119.04 127.91 136.73 145.54 154.23 (1) Temperatures above 150°C apply to the LM57FSPWQ1 and LM57TSPWQ1 only and are italicized. (2) There are four gains corresponding to each of the four Temperature Trip Point Ranges: J2 (-5.166 mV/°C) is the temperature sensor output gain used for Temperature Trip Points −40.68°C to 51.8°C. J3 (-7.752 mV/°C) is for Trip Points 52°C to 97°C. J4 (-10.339 mV/°C) for 97°C to 119°C. J5 (-12.924 mV/°C) for 119°C to 160°C. 20 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM57-Q1 |
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