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INA139 Datasheet(PDF) 6 Page - Texas Instruments |
INA139 Datasheet(HTML) 6 Page - Texas Instruments |
6 / 11 page INA139, INA169 6 SBOS181C www.ti.com FIGURE 2. Buffering Output to Drive the A/D Converter. FIGURE 3. Output Filter. I S OPA340 INA139 3 4 Z IN R L Buffer of amp drives the A/D converter without affecting gain. INA139 f –3dB = 1 2 πR LCL V O f –3dB R L C L 3 4 The maximum differential input voltage for accurate mea- surements is 0.5V, which produces a 500 µA output current. A differential input voltage of up to 2V will not cause damage. Differential measurements (pins 3 and 4) must be unipolar with a more-positive voltage applied to pin 3. If a more- negative voltage is applied to pin 3, the output current (IO) is zero, but will not cause damage. BASIC CONNECTION Figure 1 shows the basic connection of the INA139. The input pins, VIN+ and VIN– , must be connected as closely as possible to the shunt resistor to minimize any resistance in series with the shunt resistance. The output resistor, RL, is shown connected between pin 1 and ground. Best accuracy is achieved with the output voltage measured directly across RL. This is especially important in high-current systems where load current can flow in the ground connections, affecting the measurement accuracy. No power-supply bypass capacitors are required for stability of the INA139. However, applications with noisy or high- impedance power supplies can require decoupling capaci- tors to reject power-supply noise; connect the bypass capaci- tors close to the device pins. POWER SUPPLIES The input circuitry of the INA139 can accurately measure beyond its power-supply voltage, V+. For example, the V+ power supply can be 5V whereas the load power-supply voltage is up to +36V (or +60V with the INA169). However, the output voltage range of the OUT terminal (pin 1) is limited by the lesser of the two voltages (see the Output Voltage Range section). SELECTING RS AND RL The value chosen for the shunt resistor, RS, depends on the application and is a compromise between small-signal accu- racy and maximum permissible voltage loss in the measure- ment line. High values of RS provide better accuracy at lower currents by minimizing the effects of offset, whereas low values of RS minimize voltage loss in the supply line. For most applications, best performance is attained with an RS value that provides a full-scale shunt voltage of 50mV to 100mV; maximum input voltage for accurate measurements is 500mV. RL is chosen to provide the desired full-scale output voltage. The output impedance of the INA139 OUT terminal is very high, which permits using values of RL up to 100kΩ with excellent accuracy. The input impedance of any additional circuitry at the output must be much higher than the value of RL to avoid degrading accuracy. Some Analog-to-Digital (A/D) converters have input imped- ances that will significantly affect measurement gain. The input impedance of the A/D converter can be included as part of the effective RL if its input can be modeled as a resistor to ground. Alternatively, an op amp can be used to buffer the A/D converter input, as shown in Figure 2, see Figure 1 for recommended values of RL. OUTPUT VOLTAGE RANGE The output of the INA139 is a current that is converted to a voltage by the load resistor, RL. The output current remains accurate within the compliance voltage range of the output circuitry. The shunt voltage and the input common-mode and power-supply voltages limit the maximum possible output swing. The maximum output voltage compliance is limited by the lower of the two equations below: VOUT MAX = (V+) – 0.7V – (VIN+ – VIN–) (4) or VOUT MAX = (VIN–) – 0.5V (5) (whichever is lower) BANDWIDTH Measurement bandwidth is affected by the value of the load resistor, RL. High gain produced by high values of RL will yield a narrower measurement bandwidth (see the Typical Characteristics). For widest possible bandwidth, keep the capacitive load on the output to a minimum. If bandwidth limiting (filtering) is desired, a capacitor can be added to the output, as shown in Figure 3, which will not cause instability. APPLICATIONS The INA139 is designed for current shunt measurement circuits (see Figure 1), but its basic function is useful in a wide range of circuitry. A creative engineer will find many unforeseen uses in measurement and level shifting circuits. A few ideas are illustrated in Figures 4 through 7. |
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