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ADV7125 Datasheet(PDF) 7 Page - Analog Devices |
ADV7125 Datasheet(HTML) 7 Page - Analog Devices |
7 / 12 page REV. 0 ADV7125 –7– PIN FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS Pin Number Mnemonic Function 1, 2, 14, 15, 25, GND Ground. All GND pins must be connected. 26, 39, 40 3–10, G0–G7, Red, Green, and Blue Pixel Data Inputs (TTL Compatible). Pixel data is latched on the rising edge 16–23, B0–B7, of CLOCK. R0, G0, and B0 are the least significant data bits. Unused pixel data inputs should 41–48 R0–R7 be connected to either the regular PCB power or ground plane. 11 BLANK Composite Blank Control Input (TTL Compatible). A logic zero on this control input drives the analog outputs, IOR, IOB, and IOG, to the blanking level. The BLANK signal is latched on the rising edge of CLOCK. While BLANK is a logical zero, the R0–R7, G0–G7, and B0–B7 pixel inputs are ignored. 12 SYNC Composite Sync Control Input (TTL Compatible). A logical zero on the SYNC input switches off a 40 IRE current source. This is internally connected to the IOG analog output. SYNC does not override any other control or data input; therefore, it should only be asserted during the blanking interval. SYNC is latched on the rising edge of CLOCK. If sync information is not required on the green channel, the SYNC input should be tied to logical zero. 13, 29, 30 VAA Analog Power Supply (5 V ± 5%). All VAA pins on the ADV7125 must be connected. 24 CLOCK Clock Input (TTL Compatible). The rising edge of CLOCK latches the R0–R7, G0–G7, B0–B7, SYNC, and BLANK pixel and control inputs. It is typically the pixel clock rate of the video system. CLOCK should be driven by a dedicated TTL buffer. 27, 31, 33 IOR, IOG, IOB Differential Red, Green, and Blue Current Outputs (High Impedance Current Sources). These RGB video outputs are specified to directly drive RS-343A and RS-170 video levels into a doubly terminated 75 Ω load. If the complementary outputs are not required, these outputs should be tied to ground. 28, 32, 34 IOR, IOG, IOB Red, Green, and Blue Current Outputs. These high impedance current sources are capable of directly driving a doubly terminated 75 Ω coaxial cable. All three current outputs should have similar output loads whether or not they are all being used. 35 COMP Compensation Pin. This is a compensation pin for the internal reference amplifier. A 0.1 µF ceramic capacitor must be connected between COMP and VAA. 36 VREF Voltage Reference Input for DACs or Voltage Reference Output (1.235 V) 37 RSET A resistor (RSET) connected between this pin and GND controls the magnitude of the full-scale video signal. Note that the IRE relationships are maintained, regardless of the full-scale output current. The relationship between RSET and the full-scale output current on IOG (assuming ISYNC is connected to IOG) is given by: RV V IOG mA SET REF Ω () =× () ( ) 11 445 ,/ The relationship between RSET and the full-scale output current on IOR, IOG, and IOB is given by: The equation for IOG will be the same as that for IOR and IOB when SYNC is not being used, i.e., SYNC tied permanently low. 38 PSAVE Power Save Control Pin. Reduced power consumption is available on the ADV7125 when this pin is active. IOG mA V V R SYNC being asserted REF SET () =× () ( )( ) 11 444 8 ,. / Ω IOR IOB mA V V R REF SET ,, . / () =× () ( ) 7 989 6 Ω |
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