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AD7475 Datasheet(PDF) 15 Page - Analog Devices |
AD7475 Datasheet(HTML) 15 Page - Analog Devices |
15 / 16 page REV. A AD7475/AD7495 –15– AD7475/AD7495* SCLK CS *ADDITIONAL PINS OMITTED FOR CLARITY DR RFS TFS SDATA VDRIVE VDD ADSP-21xx* SCLK Figure 23. Interfacing to the ADSP-21xx The Timer registers etc., are loaded with a value that will provide an interrupt at the required sample interval. When an interrupt is received, a value is transmitted with TFS/DT (ADC control word). The TFS is used to control the RFS and hence the reading of data. The frequency of the serial clock is set in the SCLKDIV register. When the instruction to transmit with TFS is given, (i.e., AX0 = TX0), the state of the SCLK is checked. The DSP will wait until the SCLK has gone high, low, and high before transmission will start. If the timer and SCLK values are chosen such that the instruction to transmit occurs on or near the rising edge of SCLK, the data may be transmitted or it may wait until the next clock edge. For example, the ADSP-2111 has a master clock frequency of 16 MHz. If the SCLKDIV register is loaded with the value 3, an SCLK of 2 MHz is obtained, and eight master clock periods will elapse for every 1 SCLK period. If the timer registers are loaded with the value 803, 100.5 SCLKs will occur between interrupts and subsequently between transmit instructions. This situation will result in nonequidistant sampling as the transmit instruc- tion is occurring on a SCLK edge. If the number of SCLKs between interrupts is a whole integer figure of N, equidistant sampling will be implemented by the DSP. AD7475/AD7495 to DSP56xxx The connection diagram in Figure 24 shows how the AD7475/ AD7495 can be connected to the SSI (Synchronous Serial Inter- face) of the DSP56xxx family of DSPs from Motorola. The SSI is operated in Synchronous Mode (SYN bit in CRB = 1) with internally generated 1-bit clock period frame sync for both Tx and Rx (bits FSL1 = 1 and FSL0 = 0 in CRB). Set the word length to 16 by setting bits WL1 = 1 and WL0 = 0 in CRA. To implement the power-down modes on the AD7475/AD7495 then the word length can be changed to eight bits by setting bits WL1 = 0 and WL0 = 0 in CRA. It should be noted that for signal processing applications, it is imperative that the frame synchronization signal from the DSP56xxx provide equidistant sampling. The VDRIVE pin of the AD7475/AD7495 takes the same supply voltage as that of the DSP56xxx. This allows the ADC to operate at a voltage higher than the serial interface, i.e., DSP56xxx, if necessary. AD7475/AD7495* SCLK CS *ADDITIONAL PINS OMITTED FOR CLARITY SCLK SC2 SDATA VDRIVE VDD DSP56xxx* SRD Figure 24. Interfacing to the DSP56xxx AD7475/AD7495 to MC68HC16 The Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) on the MC68HC16 is configured for Master Mode (MSTR = 1), Clock Polarity Bit (CPOL) = 1 and the Clock Phase Bit (CPHA) = 0. The SPI is configured by writing to the SPI Control Register (SPCR), see 68HC16 user manual. The serial transfer will take place as a 16-bit operation when the SIZE bit in the SPCR register is set to SIZE = 1. To implement the power-down modes with an 8-bit transfer set SIZE = 0. A connection diagram is shown in Figure 25. The VDRIVE pin of the AD7475/AD7495 takes the same supply voltage as that of the MC68HC16. This allows the ADC to operate at a higher voltage than the serial interface, i.e., MC68HC16, if necessary. AD7475/AD7495* SCLK CS *ADDITIONAL PINS OMITTED FOR CLARITY MISO/PMC0 SS/PMC3 SDATA VDRIVE VDD MC68HC16* SCLK/PCM2 Figure 25. Interfacing to the MC68HC16 |
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