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BQ24705 Datasheet(PDF) 15 Page - Texas Instruments |
BQ24705 Datasheet(HTML) 15 Page - Texas Instruments |
15 / 32 page DETAILED DESCRIPTION BATTERY VOLTAGE REGULATION x x VADJ BAT REF V V = cell count 4V + 0.512 V é ù æ ö÷ ç ê ú ÷ ç ÷ ê ú ç ÷ çè ø ê ú ë û (1) BATTERY CURRENT REGULATION x SRSET CHARGE REF SR V 0.10 I = V R (2) INPUT ADAPTER CURRENT REGULATION bq24705 www.ti.com............................................................................................................................................... SLUS779B – DECEMBER 2007 – REVISED MARCH 2009 The bq24705 uses a high-accuracy voltage regulator for charging voltage. The internal default battery voltage setting VBATT= 4.2 V × cell count. The regulation voltage is ratio-metric with respect to VREF. The ratio of VADJ and VREF provides extra 12.5% adjust range on VBATT regulation voltage. By limiting the adjust range to 12.5% of the regulation voltage, the external resistor mismatch error is reduced from ±1% to ±0.1%. Therefore, an overall voltage accuracy as good as 0.5% is maintained, while using 1% mis-match resistors. Ratio-metric conversion also allows compatibility with D/As or microcontrollers ( µC). The battery voltage is programmed through VADJ and VREF using Equation 1. VADJ is set between 0 and VREF. VBATT defaults to 4.2 V × cell count when VADJ is connected to REGN. CELLS pin is the logic input for selecting cell count. Connect CELLS to charge 2,3, or 4 Li+ cells. When charging other cell chemistries, use CELLS to select an output voltage range for the charger. CELLS CELL COUNT Float 2 AGND 3 VREF 4 The per-cell battery termination voltage is function of the battery chemistry. Consult the battery manufacturer to determine this voltage. The BAT pin is used to sense the battery voltage for voltage regulation and should be connected as close to the battery as possible, or directly on the output capacitor. A 0.1- µF ceramic capacitor from BAT to AGND is recommended to be as close to the BAT pin as possible to decouple high frequency noise. The SRSET input sets the maximum charging current. Battery current is sensed by resistor RSR connected between SRP and SRN. The full-scale differential voltage between SRP and SRN is 100 mV. Thus, for a 0.010 Ω sense resistor, the maximum charging current is 10 A. SRSET is ratio-metric with respect to VREF using Equation 2: The input voltage range of SRSET is between 0 and VREF, up to 3.3 V. The SRP and SRN pins are used to sense across RSR with default value of 10 mΩ. However, resistors of other values can also be used. A larger the sense resistor, gives a larger sense voltage, and a higher regulation accuracy, but at the expense of higher conduction loss. The total input from an AC adapter or other DC sources is a function of the system supply current and the battery charging current. System current normally fluctuates as portions of the systems are powered up or down. Without Dynamic Power Management (DPM), the source must be able to supply the maximum system current and the maximum charger input current simultaneously. By using DPM, the input current regulator reduces the charging current when the input current exceeds the input current limit set by ACSET. The current capability of the AC adapter can be lowered, which may reduce the system cost. Similar to setting battery regulation current, adapter current is sensed by resistor RAC connected between ACP and ACN. The maximum value is set by ACSET, which is a ratio-metric with respect to VREF, using Equation 3. Copyright © 2007–2009, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback 15 Product Folder Link(s) :bq24705 Not Recommended for New Designs |
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