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ADC12J1600 Datasheet(PDF) 86 Page - Texas Instruments

Part # ADC12J1600
Description  GSPS ADCs With Integrated DDC
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Manufacturer  TI1 [Texas Instruments]
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ADC12J1600 Datasheet(HTML) 86 Page - Texas Instruments

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ADC12J1600, ADC12J2700
8.3 Initialization Set-Up
8.3.1 JESD204B Startup Sequence
The JESD204B interface requires a specific startup and alignment sequence. The general order of that sequence
is listed in the following steps.
Power up or reset the ADC12J1600 and ADC12J2700 devices.
Program JESD_EN = 0 to shut down the link and enable configuration changes.
Program DECIMATE, SCRAM_EN, KM1 and DDR to the desired settings.
Configure the device calibration settings as desired, and initiate a calibration (set CAL_SFT = 1).
Program JESD_EN = 1 to enable the link.
Apply at least one SYSREF rising edge to establish the LMFC phase.
Assert SYNC~ from the data receiver to initiate link communications.
After the JESD204B receiver has established code group synchronization, SYNC~ is de-asserted and the ILA process begins.
Immediately following the end of the ILA sequence normal data output begins.
If deterministic latency is not required this step can be omitted.
8.4 Dos and Don'ts
8.4.1 Common Application Pitfalls
Driving the inputs (analog or digital) beyond the power supply rails. For device reliability, an input must not
go more than 150 mV below the ground pins or 150 mV above the supply pins. Exceeding these limits even on a
transient basis can cause faulty, or erratic, operation and can impair device reliability. High-speed digital circuits
exhibiting undershoot that goes more than a volt below ground is common. To control overshoot, the impedance
of high-speed lines must be controlled and these lines must be terminated in the characteristic impedance.
Care must be taken not to overdrive the inputs of the ADC12J1600 and ADC12J2700 devices. Such practice can
lead to conversion inaccuracies and even to device damage.
Incorrect analog input common-mode voltage in the DC-coupled mode. As described in the The Analog
Inputs and DC Coupled Input Usage sections, the input common-mode voltage (VCMI) must remain the specified
range as referenced to the VCMO pin, which has a variability with temperature that must also be tracked.
Distortion performance is degraded if the input common mode voltage is outside the specified VCMI range.
Using an inadequate amplifier to drive the analog input. Use care when choosing a high frequency amplifier
to drive the ADC12J1600 and ADC12J2700 devices because many high-speed amplifiers have higher distortion
than the ADC12J1600 and ADC12J2700 devices which results in overall system performance degradation.
Driving the clock input with an excessively high level signal. The ADC input clock level must not exceed the
level described in the Recommended Operating Conditions table because the input offset can change if these
levels are exceeded.
Inadequate input clock levels. As described in the Using the Serial Interface section, insufficient input clock
levels can result in poor performance. Excessive input-clock levels can result in the introduction of an input
Using a clock source with excessive jitter, using an excessively long input clock signal trace, or having
other signals coupled to the input clock signal trace. These pitfalls cause the sampling interval to vary which
causes excessive output noise and a reduction in SNR performance.
Failure to provide adequate heat removal. As described in the Thermal Management section, providing
adequate heat removal is important to ensure device reliability. Adequate heat removal is primarily provided by
properly connecting the thermal pad to the circuit board ground planes. Multiple vias should be arranged in a grid
pattern in the area of the thermal pad. These vias will connect the topside pad to the internal ground planes and
to a copper pour area on the opposite side of the printed circuit board.
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Copyright © 2014–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated
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