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ADC12J1600 Datasheet(PDF) 36 Page - Texas Instruments

Part # ADC12J1600
Description  GSPS ADCs With Integrated DDC
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Manufacturer  TI1 [Texas Instruments]
Direct Link  http://www.ti.com
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ADC12J1600 Datasheet(HTML) 36 Page - Texas Instruments

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ADC12J1600, ADC12J2700
www.ti.com Power-Down
The power-down bit (PD) allows the ADC12J1600 and ADC12J2700 devices to be entirely powered down. The
serial data output drivers are disabled when PD is high. When the device returns to normal operation, the
JESD204 link must be re-established, and the ADC pipeline and decimation filters contain meaningless
information and must be flushed. Built-In Temperature Monitor Diode
A built-in thermal monitoring diode junction is made available on the TDIODE+ and TDIODE– pins. This diode
facilitates temperature monitoring and characterization of the device in higher ambient temperature
environments. While the on-chip diode is not highly characterized, the diode can be used effectively by
performing a baseline measurement at a known ambient or board temperature with the device in power-down
(PD) mode. Recommended monitoring ICs include the LM95233 device and similar remote-diode temperature
monitoring products from Texas Instruments.
7.3.6 Digital Down Converter (DDC)
The digitized data is the input to the digital down-converter block. This block provides frequency conversion and
decimation filtering to allow a specific range of frequencies to be selected and output in the digital data stream. NCO/Mixer
The DDC contains a complex numerically-controlled oscillator and a complex mixer. The oscillator generates a
complex exponential sequence shown in Equation 2.
x[n] = e
The frequency (
ω) is specified by the a 32-bit register setting. The complex exponential sequence is multiplied by
the real input from the ADC to mix the desired carrier down to 0 Hz. NCO Settings
NCO Frequency Phase Selection
Within the DDC, eight different frequency and phase settings are always available for use. Each of the eight
settings uses a different phase accumulator within the NCO. Because all eight phase accumulators are
continuously running independently, rapid switching between different NCO frequencies is possible allowing rapid
tuning of different signals.
The specific frequency-phase pair in use is selected through either the NCO_x input pins, or the NCO_SEL
configuration bits (register 0x20D, bits 2:0). The CFG_MODE bit (register 0x20C, bit 0) is used to choose
whether the input pins or selection bits are used. When the CFG_MODE bit is set to 0, the NCO_x input pins
select the active NCO frequency and phase setting. When the CFG_MODE bit is set to 1, the NCO_SEL register
settings select the active NCO frequency and phase setting.
The frequency for each phase accumulator is programmed independently through the NCO_FREQn (and
optionally NCO_RDIV) settings. The phase offset for each accumulator is programmed independently through
the NCO_PHASEn register settings.
NCO_0, NCO_1, and NCO_2 (NCO_x)
When the CFG_MODE bit is set to 0, the state of these three inputs determines the active NCO frequency and
phase accumulator settings.
NCO_SEL Bits (2:0)
When the CFG_MODE bit is set to 1, the state of these register bits determines the active NCO frequency and
phase accumulator settings.
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Copyright © 2014–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated
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