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ADC12J1600 Datasheet(PDF) 31 Page - Texas Instruments

Part # ADC12J1600
Description  GSPS ADCs With Integrated DDC
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Manufacturer  TI1 [Texas Instruments]
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ADC12J1600 Datasheet(HTML) 31 Page - Texas Instruments

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Configurable 32-bit NCO
and Mixer
Decimation Filters
15 bit I
15 bit Q
12 bit
Complex Baseband
ADC12J1600, ADC12J2700
Functional Block Diagram (continued)
Figure 63. DDC Details Block Diagram
7.3 Feature Description
7.3.1 Signal Acquisition
The analog input is sampled on the rising edge of CLK and the digital equivalent of that data is available in the
serialized datastream t(LAT) or t(LAT_DDC) input clock cycles later.
The ADC12J1600 and ADC12J2700 devices convert as long as the input clock signal is present. The fully-
differential comparator design and the innovative design of the sample-and-hold amplifier, together with
calibration, enables very good performance at input frequencies beyond 3 GHz. The ADC12J1600 and
ADC12J2700 data is output on a high-speed serial JESD204B interface.
7.3.2 The Analog Inputs
A differential input signal must be used to drive the ADC12J1600 and ADC12J2700 devices. Operation with a
single-ended signal is not recommended as performance suffers. The input signals can be either be AC coupled
or DC coupled. The analog inputs are internally connected to the VCMO bias voltage. When DC-coupled input
signals are used, the common mode voltage of the applied signal must meet the device Input common mode
requirements. See VCMI in the Recommended Operating Conditions table.
The full-scale input range for each converter can be adjusted through the serial interface. See the Full Scale
Range Adjust section.
The buffered analog inputs simplify the task of driving these inputs and the RC pole that is generally used at
sampling ADC inputs is not required. If an amplifier circuit before the ADC is desired, use care when selecting an
amplifier with adequate noise and distortion performance and adequate gain at the frequencies used for the
application. If gain is not required, a balun (balanced-to-unbalanced transformer) is generally used to provide
single ended (SE) to differential conversion.
The input impedance of VIN± consists of two 50-
Ω resistors in series between the inputs and a capacitance from
each of these inputs to ground. A resistance of approximately 20 k
Ω exists from the center point of the 50-Ω
resistors to the on-chip VCMO providing self-biasing for AC-coupled applications.
Performance is good in both DC-coupled mode and AC coupled mode, provided the common-mode voltage at
the analog input is within specifications.
Copyright © 2014–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated
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