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TMC4210 Datasheet(PDF) 7 Page - TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG. |
TMC4210 Datasheet(HTML) 7 Page - TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG. |
7 / 48 page TMC4210 DATASHEET (Rev. 1.03 / 2015-JUN-03) 7 www.trinamic.com 1.5 Moving the Motor Moving the motor is simple: - To move a motor to a new target position, write the target position into the associated register by sending a datagram to the TMC4210. - To move a motor with a new target velocity, write the velocity into the register assigned to the stepper motor. 1.5.1 Motion Controller Functionality The ramp generator monitors the motion parameters stored in its registers and calculates velocity profiles. Based on the actual ramp generator velocity, a pulse generator supplies step pulses to the motor driver. 1.5.2 Modes of Motion ramp_mode For positioning applications the ramp_mode is most suitable. The user sets the position and the TMC4210 calculates a trapezoidal velocity profile and drives autonomously to the target position. During motion, the position may be altered arbitrarily. velocity_mode For constant velocity applications the velocity_mode is most suitable. In velocity_mode, a target velocity is set by the user and the TMC4210 takes into account user defined limits of velocity and acceleration. hold_mode In hold_mode, the user sets target velocities, but the TMC4210 ignores any limits of velocity and acceleration, to realize arbitrary velocity profiles, controlled completely by the user. soft_mode The soft_mode is similar to the ramp_mode, but the decrease of the velocity during deceleration is done with a soft, exponentially shaped velocity profile. 1.5.3 Interrupts The TMC4210 has capabilities to generate interrupts. Interrupts are based on ramp generator conditions which can be set using an interrupt mask. The interrupt controller (which continuously monitors reference switches and ramp generator conditions) generates an interrupt if required. nINT_SDO_C is a low active interrupt signal while nSCS_C is high. If the microcontroller disables the interrupt during access to the TMC4210 and enables the interrupt otherwise, the multiplexed interrupt output of the TMC4210 behaves like a dedicated interrupt output. For polling, the TMC4210 sends the status of the interrupt signal to the microcontroller with each datagram. 1.5.4 Reference Switch Handling The TMC4210 has a left (REF_L) and a right (REF_R) reference switch input. Further, the TMC4210 is equipped with a general purpose input (GP_IN). INITIALIZE THE RIGHT REFERENCE SWITCH! The right reference switch REF_R has to be initialized by writing 1 to mot1r. 1.5.5 Access to Status and Error Bits The microcontroller directly controls and monitors the stepper driver. It also needs to take care for advanced current control, e.g. power down in stand still. |
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