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TMC4210 Datasheet(PDF) 32 Page - TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG. |
TMC4210 Datasheet(HTML) 32 Page - TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG. |
32 / 48 page TMC4210 DATASHEET (Rev. 1.03 / 2015-JUN-03) 32 www.trinamic.com The full step frequency R FS is given by ������������[��������] = ����[��������] 2���������������� The change R in the pulse rate per time unit is given by ∆����[��������/����] = ����������������[��������] ∗ ����������������[��������] ∗ ����_������������ 2��������������������_������������+����������������_������������+29 where R: pulse frequency change per second (acceleration) 29: the constant is derived form 229 = 25 * 25 * 28 * 211 = 32*32*256*2048. 32 comes from fixed clock pre-dividers, 256 comes from the velocity accumulation clock pre-divider, and 2048 comes from the velocity accumulation clock divider programmed by A_MAX. The parameter A_MAX is in range 0 to 2047. The change of fullstep frequency R FS in the pulse rate per time unit is given by ������������[��������] = ����[��������] 2���������������� The angular velocity of a stepper motor can be calculated based on the full step frequency R FS[Hz] for a given number of full steps per rotation. Similarly, the angular acceleration of a stepper motor can be calculated based on the change of the full step frequency per second R FS[Hz]. Calculating the Number of Steps During Linear Acceleration ���� = 1 2 ∗ ����2 ���� where S = number of steps a = linear acceleration v = velocity With v = R[Hz] and a = R[Hz/s] one gets: ���� = 1 2 ∗ ����2 ���������������� ∗ 2����������������_������������ 2��������������������_������������ ÷ 23 The number of full steps S FS during linear acceleration is given by ������������ = ���� 2���������������� Changing PULSE_DIV in velocity_mode or in hold_mode might force an internal microstep (with microstep resolution defined by usrs) depending on the actual microstep position. This behavior can be observed especially when the motor is at rest. In ramp_mode this does not occur. PULSE_DIV should only be changed in ramp_mode! |
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