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TPS61193PWPR Datasheet(PDF) 24 Page - Texas Instruments |
TPS61193PWPR Datasheet(HTML) 24 Page - Texas Instruments |
24 / 33 page TPS61193 SNVSAF4 – OCTOBER 2015 www.ti.com Design Requirements DESIGN PARAMETER VALUE VIN voltage range 4.5…30 V LED string 3P2S LEDs (7.2 V) LED string current 100 mA Maxmum output voltage 10 V SEPIC switching frequency 2.2 MHz External sync for SEPIC used Spread spectrum Internal spread spectrum disabled (external sync used) L1, L2 10 µH CIN 10 µF 50 V CIN SEPIC 2 × (10 µF 50-V ceramic) + 33 µF 50-V electrolytic C1 10 µF 50V ceramic COUT 2 × (10 µF 50-V ceramic) + 33 µF 50-V electrolytic CLDO 1 µF 10-V RISET 24 k Ω RFSET 24 k Ω R1 184 k Ω R2 130 k Ω R3 10 k Ω Detailed Design Procedure In SEPIC mode the maximum voltage at the SW pin is equal to the sum of the input voltage and the output voltage. Because of this, the maximum sum of input and output voltage must be limited below 50 V. See Detailed Design Procedure for general external component guidelines. Main differences of SEPIC compared to boost are described below. Power Stage Designer™ Tool can be used for modeling SEPIC behavior: http://www.ti.com/tool/powerstage- designer. For detailed explanation on SEPIC see Texas Instruments Analog Applications Journal Designing DC/DC Converters Based on SEPIC Topology (SLYT309). Inductor In SEPIC mode, currents flowing through the coupled inductors or the two separate inductors L1 and L2 are the input current and output current, respectively. Values can be calculated using Power Stage Designer™ Tool or using equations in SLYT309. Diode In SEPIC mode diode peak current is equal to the sum of input and output currents. Diode rating for peak repetitive current should be greater than SW pin current limit (up to 3 A for transients) to ensure reliable operation in boost mode. Average current rating should be greater than the maximum output current. Diode voltage rating must be higher than sum of input and output voltages. Capacitor C1 Ceramic capacitor with low ESR is recommended. Diode voltage rating must be higher than maximum input voltage. 24 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated |
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