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LP8862-Q1 Datasheet(PDF) 7 Page - Texas Instruments |
LP8862-Q1 Datasheet(HTML) 7 Page - Texas Instruments |
7 / 37 page LP8862-Q1 www.ti.com SNVSA75A – NOVEMBER 2015 – REVISED NOVEMBER 2015 6.8 Power Line FET Control Electrical Characteristics TJ = −40°C to 125°C (unless otherwise noted). PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT VSENSE_N pin leakage current VVSENSE_N = 45 V 0.1 3 µA SD leakage current VSD = 45 V 0.1 3 µA SD pulldown current 185 230 283 µA 6.9 Current Sinks Electrical Characteristics TJ = −40°C to 125°C (unless otherwise noted). PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT Outputs OUT1 and OUT2, VOUT# = ILEAKAGE Leakage current 0.1 5 µA 45 V IMAX Maximum current OUT1, OUT2 160 mA IOUT Output current accuracy IOUT = 160 mA −5% 5% IMATCH Output current matching(1) IOUT = 160 mA, PWM duty =100% 1% 5% VSAT Saturation voltage(2) IOUT = 160 mA , VLDO = 4.3 V 0.4 0.7 V (1) Output Current Accuracy is the difference between the actual value of the output current and programmed value of this current. Matching is the maximum difference from the average. For the constant current sinks on the part (OUT1, OUT2), the following are determined: the maximum output current (MAX), the minimum output current (MIN), and the average output current of all outputs (AVG). Matching number is calculated: (MAX-MIN)/AVG. The typical specification provided is the most likely norm of the matching figure for all parts. LED current sinks were characterized with 1-V headroom voltage. Note that some manufacturers have different definitions in use. (2) Saturation voltage is defined as the voltage when the LED current has dropped 10% from the value measured at 1 V. 6.10 PWM Brightness Control Electrical Characteristics TJ = −40°C to 125°C (unless otherwise noted). PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT ƒPWM PWM input frequency 100 20 000 Hz tON/OFF Minimum on/off time IOUT = 100 mA 0.5 µs 6.11 Boost or SEPIC Converter Characteristics TJ = −40°C to 125°C (unless otherwise noted). Unless otherwise specified: VIN = 12 V, EN/VDDIO = 3.3 V, L = 22 μH, CIN = 2 × 10 μF ceramic and 33 μF electrolytic, COUT = 2 × 10-μF ceramic and 33-μF electrolytic, D = NRVB460MFS, ƒSW = 300 kHz. PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT VIN Input voltage 4.5 40 V VOUT Output voltage 6 45 V Minimum switching frequency ƒSW_MIN (central frequency if spread 300 kHz spectrum is enabled) Defined by RFSET resistor Maximum switching frequency ƒSW_MAX (central frequency if spread 2 200 kHz spectrum is enabled) VOUT/VIN Conversion ratio 10 TOFF Minimum switch OFF time ƒSW ≥ 1.15 MHz 55 ns ISW_MAX SW current limit 1.8 2 2.2 A RDSON FET RDSON Pin-to-pin 240 400 m Ω fSYNC External SYNC frequency 300 2 200 kHz tSYNC_ON_MIN External SYNC minimum on time 150 ns tSYNC_OFF_MIN External SYNC minimum off time 150 ns Copyright © 2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback 7 Product Folder Links: LP8862-Q1 |
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