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TPS65020RHAR Datasheet(PDF) 36 Page - Texas Instruments |
TPS65020RHAR Datasheet(HTML) 36 Page - Texas Instruments |
36 / 53 page TPS65020 SLVS607D – SEPTEMBER 2005 – REVISED JANUARY 2016 www.ti.com 9 Application and Implementation NOTE Information in the following applications sections is not part of the TI component specification, and TI does not warrant its accuracy or completeness. TI’s customers are responsible for determining suitability of components for their purposes. Customers must validate and test their design implementation to confirm system functionality. 9.1 Application Information 9.1.1 Input Voltage Connection The low power section of the control circuit for the step-down converters DCDC1, DCDC2, and DCDC3 is supplied by the VCC pin while the circuitry with high power such as the power stage is powered from the VINDCDC1, VINDCDC2, and VINDCDC3 pins. For proper operation of the step-down converters, VINDCDC1, VINDCDC2, VNDCDC3, and VCC must be tied to the same voltage rail. Step-down converters that are not planned to be used, still must be powered from their input pin on the same rails than the other step-down converters and VCC. LDO1 and LDO2 share a supply voltage pin which can be powered from the VCC rails or from a voltage lower than VCC, for example, the output of one of the step-down converters as long as it is operated within the input voltage range of the LDOs. If both LDOs are not used, the VINLDO pin can be tied to GND. 9.1.2 Unused Regulators In case a step-down converter is not used, its input supply voltage pin VINDCDCx still needs to be connected to the VCC rail along with supply input of the other step-down converters. TI recommends closing the control loop such that an inductor and output capacitor is added in the same way as it would be when operated normally. If one of the LDOs is not used, its output capacitor must be added as well. If both LDOs are not used, the input supply pin as well as the output pins of the LDOs (VINLDO, VLDO1, VLDO2) must be tied to GND. 9.1.3 Implementing a Push-Button On-Off Function Using PB_IN and PB_OUT In mobile phone applications, the device must not automatically power up when the battery is inserted. Using PB_IN and PB_OUT prevents power up. After the main battery is inserted, the PB_OUT open-drain output is low. When this pins is connected with PWRFAIL, the signal is pulled low, preventing the Intel PXA270 start up. See the latest version of Intels technical specifications about the Intel PXA270 Processor Family for additional information on the functionality of this chip and possible limitations. 36 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS65020 |
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