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TPS65020RHAR Datasheet(PDF) 30 Page - Texas Instruments |
TPS65020RHAR Datasheet(HTML) 30 Page - Texas Instruments |
30 / 53 page TPS65020 SLVS607D – SEPTEMBER 2005 – REVISED JANUARY 2016 www.ti.com 8.6 Register Maps 8.6.1 VERSION Register Address: 00h (Read Only) Table 3. VERSION Register VERSION B7 B6 B5 4244238.gif B3 B2 B1 B0 B4 Bit name and 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 function Read/Write R R R R R R R R 8.6.2 PGOODZ Register Address: 01h (Read Only) Table 4. PGOODZ Register PGOODZ B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 Bit name and PGOODZ PGOODZ PGOODZ PGOODZ PGOODZ PWRFAILZ LOWBATTZ – function VDCDC1 VDCDC2 VDCDC3 LDO2 LDO1 PGOODZ PGOODZ PGOODZ PGOODZ PGOODZ Set by signal PWRFAIL LOWBATT – VDCDC1 VDCDC2 VDCDC3 LDO2 LDO1 Default value PGOOD PGOOD PGOOD PGOOD PGOOD PWRFAILZ LOWBATTZ – loaded VDCDC1 VDCDC2 VDCDC3 LDO2 LDO1 Read/Write R R R R R R R R Bit 7 PWRFAILZ: 0 = indicates that the PWRFAIL_SNS input voltage is above the 1-V threshold 1 = indicates that the PWRFAIL_SNS input voltage is below the 1-V threshold Bit 6 LOWBATTZ: 0 = indicates that the LOWBATT_SNS input voltage is above the 1-V threshold 1 = indicates that the LOWBATT_SNS input voltage is below the 1-V threshold Bit 5 PGOODZ VDCDC1: 0 = indicates that the VDCDC1 converter output voltage is within its nominal range. This bit is zero if the VDCDC1 converter is disabled. 1 = indicates that the VDCDC1 converter output voltage is below its target regulation voltage Bit 4 PGOODZ VDCDC2: 0 = indicates that the VDCDC2 converter output voltage is within its nominal range. This bit is zero if the VDCDC2 converter is disabled. 1 = indicates that the VDCDC2 converter output voltage is below its target regulation voltage Bit 3 PGOODZ VDCDC3: . 0 = indicates that the VDCDC3 converter output voltage is within its nominal range. This bit is zero if the VDCDC3 converter is disabled and during a DVM controlled output voltage transition. 1 = indicates that the VDCDC3 converter output voltage is below its target regulation voltage Bit 2 PGOODZ LDO2: 0 = indicates that the LDO2 output voltage is within its nominal range. This bit is zero if LDO2 is disabled. 1 = indicates that LDO2 output voltage is below its target regulation voltage Bit 1 PGOODZ LDO1: 0 = indicates that the LDO1 output voltage is within its nominal range. This bit is zero if LDO1 is disabled. 30 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS65020 |
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