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GS1661 Datasheet(PDF) 24 Page - Semtech Corporation

Part # GS1661
Description  HD/SD SDI Receiver, with Integrated Adaptive Cable Equalizer complete with SMPTE Video Processing
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Manufacturer  SEMTECH [Semtech Corporation]
Direct Link  http://www.semtech.com
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GS1661 HD/SD SDI Receiver
Data Sheet
53751 - 3
September 2012
24 of 84
4. Detailed Description
Refer to the document entitled GS1660/GS1661 Errata for this device (document
number 53877).
4.1 Functional Overview
The GS1661 is a multi-rate SDI integrated Receiver which includes complete SMPTE
processing, as per SMPTE 292M and SMPTE 259M-C. The SMPTE processing features can
be bypassed to support signals with other coding schemes.
The GS1661 integrates Gennum's adaptive cable equalizer technology, achieving
unprecedented cable lengths and jitter tolerance. It features DC restoration to
compensate for the DC content of SMPTE pathological signals.
The device features an Integrated Reclocker with an internal VCO and a wide Input
Jitter Tolerance (IJT) of 0.7UI.
A serial digital loop through output is provided, which can be configured to output
either reclocked or non-reclocked serial digital data. The Serial Digital Output can be
connected to an external Cable Driver.
The device operates in one of four basic modes: SMPTE mode, DVB-ASI mode,
Data-Through mode or Standby mode.
In SMPTE mode, the GS1661 performs SMPTE de-scrambling and NRZI to NRZ decoding
and word alignment. Line-based CRC errors, line number errors, TRS errors and
ancillary data check sum errors can all be detected. The GS1661 also provides ancillary
data extraction. The entire ancillary data packet is extracted, and written to
host-accessible registers. Other processing functions include H:V:F timing extraction,
Luma and Chroma ancillary data indication, video standard detection, and SMPTE 352M
packet detection and decoding. All of the processing features are optional, and may be
enabled or disabled via the Host Interface.
In DVB-ASI mode, 8b/10b decoding is applied to the received data stream.
In Data-Through mode, all forms of SMPTE and DVB-ASI decoding are disabled, and the
device can be used as a simple serial to parallel converter.
The device can also be placed in a lower power Standby mode. In this mode, no signal
processing is carried out and the parallel output is held static. Placing the Receiver in
Standby mode will automatically place the integrated equalizer in power down mode as
Parallel data outputs are provided in 20-bit or 10-bit multiplexed format for HD and SD
video rates. In all cases, this 20-bit parallel bus can be multiplexed onto 10 bits for a low
pin count interface with downstream devices. The associated Parallel Clock input signal
operates at 148.5 or 148.5/1.001MHz (for all HD 10-bit multiplexed modes), 74.25 or
74.25/1.001MHz (for HD 20-bit mode), 27MHz (for SD 10-bit mode) and 13.5MHz (for SD
20-bit mode).

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