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GS1661 Datasheet(PDF) 62 Page - Semtech Corporation

Part # GS1661
Description  HD/SD SDI Receiver, with Integrated Adaptive Cable Equalizer complete with SMPTE Video Processing
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Manufacturer  SEMTECH [Semtech Corporation]
Direct Link  http://www.semtech.com
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GS1661 HD/SD SDI Receiver
Data Sheet
53751 - 3
September 2012
62 of 84
If the ANC_DATA_SWITCH bit is not toggled, extracted data is written into Bank B until
full. To continue extraction in Bank A, the ANC_DATA_SWITCH bit must be toggled
HIGH (see Figure 4-25: Ancillary Data Extraction - Step D).
Figure 4-25: Ancillary Data Extraction - Step D
Toggling the ANC_DATA_SWITCH bit LOW returns the process to step A (Figure 4-22).
NOTE 1: Toggling the ANC_DATA_SWITCH must occur at a time when no extraction is
taking place, i.e. when the both the Y/1ANC and C/2ANC signals are LOW.
To turn extraction off, the ANC_DATA_EXT_MASK bit must be set HIGH.
In HD mode, the device can detect ancillary data packets in the Luma video data only,
Chroma video data only, or both. By default (at power-up or after a system reset), the
device extracts ancillary data packets from the luma channel only.
To extract packets from the Chroma channel only, the HD_ANC_C2 bit of the host
interface must be set HIGH. To extract packets from both the Luma and Chroma video
data, the HD_ANC_Y1_C2 bit must be set HIGH (the setting of the HD_ANC_C2 bit is
The default setting of both the HD_ANC_C2 and HD_ANC_Y1_C2 is LOW. The setting of
these bits is ignored when the device is configured for SD video standards.
Ancillary data packet extraction and deletion is disabled when the IOPROC_EN/DIS pin
is set LOW.
After extraction, the ancillary data may be deleted from the video stream by setting the
ANC_DATA_DEL bit of the host interface HIGH. When set HIGH, all existing ancillary
data is removed and replaced with blanking values. If any of the ANC_TYPE registers are
programmed with a DID and/or DID and SDID, only the ancillary data packets with the
matching IDs are deleted from the video stream.
Application Layer
Read Pointer
Internal Write
Bank A
Bank B

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