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GS1661 Datasheet(PDF) 35 Page - Semtech Corporation

Part # GS1661
Description  HD/SD SDI Receiver, with Integrated Adaptive Cable Equalizer complete with SMPTE Video Processing
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Manufacturer  SEMTECH [Semtech Corporation]
Direct Link  http://www.semtech.com
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GS1661 HD/SD SDI Receiver
Data Sheet
53751 - 3
September 2012
35 of 84
4.9 Timing Signal Generator
The GS1661 has an internal timing signal generator which is used to generate digital
FVH timing reference signals, to detect and correct certain error conditions and
automatic video standard detection.
The timing signal generator is only operational in SMPTE mode (SMPTE_BYPASS =
The timing signal generator consists of a number of counters and comparators operating
at video pixel and video line rates. These counters maintain information about the total
line length, active line length, total number of lines per field/frame and total active lines
per field/frame for the received video standard.
It takes one video frame to obtain full synchronization to the received video standard.
NOTE: Both 8-bit and 10-bit TRS words are identified by the device. Once
synchronization has been achieved, the timing signal generator continues to monitor
the received TRS timing information to maintain synchronization.
The timing signal generator re-synchronizes all pixel and line based counters on every
received TRS ID. Note that for correct operation of the timing signal generator, the
SW_EN input pin must be set LOW, unless manual synchronous switching is enabled
(Section 4.9.1).
4.9.1 Manual Switch Line Lock Handling
The principle of switch line lock handling is that the switching of synchronous video
sources will only disturb the horizontal timing and alignment, whereas the vertical
timing remains in synchronization - i.e. switching between video sources of the same
To account for the horizontal disturbance caused by a synchronous switch, the word
alignment block and timing signal generator automatically re-synchronizes to the new
timing immediately if the synchronous switch happens during the designated switch
line, as defined in SMPTE recommended practice RP168-2002.
The device samples the SW_EN pin on every PCLK cycle. When a Logic LOW to HIGH
transition on this pin is detected anywhere within the active line, the word alignment
block and timing signal generator re-synchronize immediately to the next TRS word.
This allows the system to force immediate lock on any line, if the switch point is
To ensure proper switch line lock handling, the SW_EN signal should be asserted HIGH
anywhere within the active portion of the line on which the switch has taken place, and
should be held HIGH for approximately one video line. After this time period, SW_EN
should be de-asserted. SW_EN should be held LOW during normal device operation.
NOTE: It is the rising edge of the SW_EN signal, which generates the switch line lock
re-synchronization. This edge must be in the active portion of the line containing the
video switch point.

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