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TUSB4041I-Q1 Datasheet(PDF) 14 Page - Texas Instruments

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Part # TUSB4041I-Q1
Description  Four-Port USB 2.0 Hub
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Manufacturer  TI1 [Texas Instruments]
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Copyright © 2015–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated
8.3.7 Power-Up and Reset
The TUSB4041I-Q1 device does not have specific power-sequencing requirements with respect to the core
power (VDD) or I/O and analog power (VDD33). The core power (VDD) or I/O power (VDD33) can be powered up for
an indefinite period of time while the other is not powered up if all of the following constraints are met:
Observe all maximum ratings and recommended operating conditions.
Observe all warnings about exposure to maximum rated and recommended conditions, particularly junction
temperature. These apply to power transitions and normal operation.
Limit bus contention to 100 hours over the projected lifetime of the device while VDD33 is powered-up.
Do not exceed the ratings listed in the Absolute Maximum Ratings table for bus contention while VDD33 is
A supply bus is powered-up when the voltage is within the recommended operating range. A supply bus is
powered-down when it is below that range, and either stable or in transition.
The device requires a minimum reset duration of 3 ms. This reset duration is defined as the time when the power
supplies are in the recommended operating range to the deassertion of the GRSTz pin. Generate the reset pulse
using a programmable-delay supervisory device or using an RC circuit.
8.4 Device Functional Modes
8.4.1 External Configuration Interface
The TUSB4041I-Q1 device supports a serial interface for configuration register access. The device can be
configured by an attached I2C EEPROM or accessed as a slave by an SMBus-capable host controller. The
external interface is enabled when both the SCL/SMBCLK and SDA/SMBDAT pins are pulled up to 3.3 V at the
deassertion of reset. The mode, I2C master or SMBus slave, is determined by the state of SMBUSz pin at reset.
8.4.2 I2C EEPROM Operation
The TUSB4041I-Q1 device supports a single-master, standard mode (100 kb/s) connection to a dedicated I2C
EEPROM when the I2C interface mode is enabled. In I2C mode, the TUSB4041I-Q1 device reads the contents of
the EEPROM at bus address 1010000b using 7-bit addressing starting at address 0.
If the value of the EEPROM contents at byte 00h equals 55h, the TUSB4041I-Q1 device loads the configuration
registers according to the EEPROM map. If the first byte is not 55h, the TUSB4041I-Q1 device exits the I2C
mode and continues execution with the default values in the configuration registers. The hub does not connect
on the upstream port until the configuration is completed. If the hub detected an unprogrammed EEPROM (value
other than 55h), the hub enters programming mode and a programming endpoint within the hub is enabled.
The bytes located above offset Ah are optional. The requirement for data in those
addresses is dependent on the options configured in the Device Configuration Register
and Device Configuration Register 2.
For details on I2C operation, refer to the UM10204 I2C-bus Specification and User Manual.
8.4.3 SMBus Slave Operation
When the SMBus interface mode is enabled, the TUSB4041I-Q1 device supports read block and write block
protocols as a slave-only SMBus device.
The TUSB4041I-Q1 device slave address is 1000 1xyz, where:
x is the state of GANGED/SMBA2/HS_UP pin at reset
y is the state of FULLPWRMGMTz/SMBA1 pin at reset
z is the read-write (R/W) bit; 1 = read access, 0 = write access
If the TUSB4041I-Q1 device is addressed by a host using an unsupported protocol, the device does not respond.
The TUSB4041I-Q1 device waits indefinitely for configuration by the SMBus host and does not connect on the
upstream port until the SMBus host indicates configuration is complete by clearing the CFG_ACTIVE bit.
For details on SMBus requirements, refer to the System Management Bus (SMBus) Specification.

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