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TG-5006CJ-51L40.0000M3 Datasheet(PDF) 5 Page - List of Unclassifed Manufacturers |
TG-5006CJ-51L40.0000M3 Datasheet(HTML) 5 Page - List of Unclassifed Manufacturers |
5 / 6 page 11.Handling precautions Prior to using this product, please carefully read the section entitled “Precautions” on our Web site ( http://www5.epsondevice.com/en/quartz/tech/precaution/ ) for instructions on how to handle and use the product properly to ensure optimal performance of the product in your equipment. Before using the product under any conditions other than those specified therein, please consult with us to verify and confirm that the performance of the product will not be negatively affected by use under such conditions. In addition to the foregoing precautions, in order to avoid the deteriorating performance of the product, we strongly recommend that you DO NOT use the product under ANY of the following conditions: (1) Mounting the product on a board using water-soluble solder flux and using the product without removing the residue of the flux completely from the board. The residue of such flux that is soluble in water or water-soluble cleaning agent, especially the residues which contains active halogens, will negatively affect the performance and reliability of the product. (2) Using the product in any manner that will result in any shock or impact to the product. (3) Using the product in places where the product is exposed to water, chemicals, organic solvent, sunlight, dust, corrosive gasses, or other materials. (4) Using the product in places where the product is exposed to static electricity or electromagnetic waves. (5) Applying ultrasonic cleaning without advance verification and confirmation that the product will not be affected by such a cleaning process, because it may damage the crystal, IC and/or metal line of the product. (6) Touching the IC surface with tweezers or other hard materials directly. (7) Using the product under any other conditions that may negatively affect the performance and/or reliability of the product. (8) Using the product with power line ripple exceeding 50 mV(p-p) level. Should any customer use the product in any manner contrary to the precautions and/or advice herein, such use 5 Page |
Similar Part No. - TG-5006CJ-51L40.0000M3 |
Similar Description - TG-5006CJ-51L40.0000M3 |
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