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CDCM6208V1FRGZR Datasheet(PDF) 34 Page - Texas Instruments |
CDCM6208V1FRGZR Datasheet(HTML) 34 Page - Texas Instruments |
34 / 87 page CDCM6208V1F SCAS943 – MAY 2015 www.ti.com Table 6. CDCM6208V1F Loop Filter Recommendation for Pin Mode (continued) Internal LPF PRI_REF SEC_REF Components Recommended f(PFD) ICP Use Case Loop Filter (MHz) (mA) Freq Freq R3 C3 C1/R2/C2 Type Type (MHz) (MHz) (Ohm) (pF) MAN- 100 10 0x17 24-V1F 25 LVCMOS 25 Crystal 25 2.5m 100pF/500Ohm/22nF 242.5 SEC Ohm MAN- 100 10 0x18 25-V1F 25 LVCMOS 25 Crystal 25 2.5m 100pF/500Ohm/22nF 242.5 SEC Ohm MAN- 100 10 0x19 26-V1F 25 LVCMOS 25 Crystal 25 2.5m 100pF/500Ohm/22nF 242.5 SEC Ohm MAN- 100 10 0x1A 27-V1F 25 LVCMOS 25 Crystal 25 2.5m 100pF/500Ohm/22nF 242.5 SEC Ohm MAN- 100 10 0x1B 28-V1F 25 LVCMOS 25 Crystal 25 2.5m 100pF/500Ohm/22nF 242.5 SEC Ohm MAN- 100 10 0x1C 29-V1F 25 LVCMOS 25 Crystal 25 2.5m 100pF/500Ohm/22nF 242.5 SEC Ohm MAN- 100 10 0x1D 30-V1F 25 LVCMOS 25 Crystal 25 2.5m 100pF/500Ohm/22nF 242.5 SEC Ohm MAN- 100 10 0x1E 31-V1F 25 LVCMOS 25 Crystal 25 2.5m 100pF/500Ohm/22nF 242.5 SEC Ohm MAN- 100 10 0x1F 32-V1F 25 LVDS 25 Crystal 25 2.5m 100pF/500Ohm/22nF 242.5 SEC Ohm 10.4.3 Status Pins Definition The device vitals such as input signal quality, smart mux input selection, and PLL lock can be monitored by reading device registers or at the status pins STATUS1, and STATUS0. Register 3[12:7] allows for customization of which vitals are mapped to these two pins. Table 7 lists the three events that can be mapped to each status pin and which can also be read in the register space. Table 7. CDCM6208V1F Status Pin Definition List STATUS REGISTER BIT SIGNAL TYPE SIGNAL NAME DESCRIPTION SIGNAL NAME NO. SEL_REF LVCMOS STATUS0, 1 Reg 3.12 Indicates Reference Selected for PLL: Reg 3.9 0 → Primary input selected to drive PLL 1 → Secondary input selected to drive PLL LOS_REF LVCMOS STATUS0, 1 Reg 3.11 Loss of selected reference input observed at active input: Reg 3.8 0 → Reference input present 1 → Loss of reference input Important Note 1: For LOS_REF to operate properly, the secondary input SEC_IN must be enabled. Set register Q4.5=1. If register Q4.5 is set to zero, LOS_REF will output a static high signal regardless of the actual input signal status on PRI_IN. PLL_UNLOCK LVCMOS STATUS0, 1 Reg 3.10 Indicates unlock status for PLL (digital): Reg 3.7 PLL locked → Q21.02 = 0 and VSTATUS0/1= VIH PLL unlocked → Q21.2 = 1 and VSTATUS0/1= VILSee note (1) Note 2: I f the smartmux is enabled and both reference clocks stall, the STATUSx output signal will 98% of the time indicate the LOS condition with a static high signal. However, in 2% of the cases, the LOS detection engine erroneously stalls at a state where the STATUSx output PLL lock indicator will signalize high for 511 out of every 512 PFD clock cycles. (1) The reverse logic between the register Q21.2 and the external output signal on STATUS0 or STATUS1. 34 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: CDCM6208V1F |
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