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TPA3131D2 Datasheet(PDF) 23 Page - Texas Instruments

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Part # TPA3131D2
Description  25-W Filter-Free Class-D Stereo Amplifier
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Manufacturer  TI1 [Texas Instruments]
Direct Link  http://www.ti.com
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TPA3131D2, TPA3132D2
9 Power Supply Recommendations
The power supply requirements for the TPA313xD2 device consist of one higher-voltage supply to power the
output stage of the speaker amplifier. Several on-chip regulators are included on the TPA3116D2 device to
generate the voltages necessary for the internal circuitry of the audio path. It is important to note that the voltage
regulators which have been integrated are sized only to provide the current necessary to power the internal
circuitry. The external pins are provided only as a connection point for off-chip bypass capacitors to filter the
supply. Connecting external circuitry to these regulator outputs may result in reduced performance and damage
to the device. The high voltage supply, between 4.5 V and 26 V, supplies the analog circuitry (AVCC) and the
power stage (PVCC). The AVCC supply feeds internal LDO including GVDD. This LDO output are connected to
external pins for filtering purposes, but should not be connected to external circuits. GVDD LDO output have
been sized to provide current necessary for internal functions but not for external loading.
10 Layout
10.1 Layout Guidelines
The TPA313xD2 can be used with a small, inexpensive ferrite bead output filter for most applications. However,
since the class-D switching edges are fast, it is necessary to take care when planning the layout of the printed
circuit board. The following suggestions will help to meet EMC requirements.
Decoupling capacitors — The high-frequency decoupling capacitors should be placed as close to the PVCC
and AVCC terminals as possible. Large (100
μF or greater) bulk power supply decoupling capacitors should
be placed near the TPA313xD2 on the PVCC supplies. Local, high-frequency bypass capacitors should be
placed as close to the PVCC pins as possible. These caps can be connected to the IC GND pad directly for
an excellent ground connection. Consider adding a small, good quality low ESR ceramic capacitor between
220 pF and 1 nF and a larger mid-frequency cap of value between 100 nF and 1 µF also of good quality to
the PVCC connections at each end of the chip.
Keep the current loop from each of the outputs through the ferrite bead and the small filter cap and back to
GND as small and tight as possible. The size of this current loop determines its effectiveness as an antenna.
Grounding — The PVCC decoupling capacitors should connect to GND. All ground should be connected at
the IC GND, which should be used as a central ground connection or star ground for the TPA313xD2.
Output filter — The ferrite EMI filter (see Figure 27) should be placed as close to the output terminals as
possible for the best EMI performance. The LC filter should be placed close to the outputs. The capacitors
used in both the ferrite and LC filters should be grounded.
For an example layout, see the TPA313xD2 Evaluation Module (TPA313xD2EVM) User Manual. Both the EVM
user manual and the thermal pad application report are available on the TI Web site at http://www.ti.com.
Copyright © 2013–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated
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