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TPA3118D2-Q1 Datasheet(PDF) 21 Page - Texas Instruments

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Part # TPA3118D2-Q1
Description  100-W and 50-W Class-D Stereo Automotive Amplifiers
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Manufacturer  TI1 [Texas Instruments]
Direct Link  http://www.ti.com
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TPA3118D2-Q1 Datasheet(HTML) 21 Page - Texas Instruments

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TPA3116D2-Q1, TPA3118D2-Q1
Typical Application (continued)
8.2.1 Design Requirements
Input voltage range, V(PVCC)
4.5 V to 26 V
PWM output frequencies
400 kHz, 500 kHz, 600 kHz, 1 MHz or 1.2 MHz
Maximum output power
50 W
8.2.2 Detailed Design Procedure
The TPA311xD2-Q1 family is a very flexible and easy-to-use class-D amplifier; therefore, the design process is
straightforward. Before beginning the design, gather the following information regarding the audio system.
PVCC rail planned for the design
Speaker or load impedance
Maximum output-power requirement
Desired PWM frequency Select the PWM Frequency
Set the PWM frequency by using AM0, AM1 and AM2 pins. Select the Amplifier Gain and Master or Slave Mode
In order to select the amplifier gain setting, the designer must determine the maximum power target and the
speaker impedance. Once these parameters have been determined, calculate the required output-voltage swing
which delivers the maximum output power.
Choose the lowest analog gain setting that produces an output-voltage swing greater than the required output
swing for maximum power. The analog gain and master or slave mode can be set by selecting the voltage
divider resistors (R1 and R2) on the GAIN/SLV pin. Select Input Capacitance
Select the bulk capacitors at the PVCC inputs for proper voltage margin and adequate capacitance to support the
power requirements. In practice, with a well-designed power supply, two 100-
μF, 50-V capacitors should be
sufficient. One capacitor should be placed near the PVCC inputs at each side of the device. PVCC capacitors
should be a low-ESR type because they are being used in a high-speed switching application. Select Decoupling Capacitors
Good-quality decoupling capacitors must be added at each of the PVCC inputs to provide good reliability, good
audio performance, and to meet regulatory requirements. X5R or better ratings should be used in this
application. Consider temperature, ripple current, and voltage overshoots when selecting decoupling capacitors.
Also, these decoupling capacitors should be located near the PVCC and GND connections to the device in order
to minimize series inductances. Select Bootstrap Capacitors
Each of the outputs requires bootstrap capacitors to provide gate drive for the high-side output FETs. For this
design, use 0.22-
μF, 25-V capacitors of X5R quality or better.
Copyright © 2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated
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