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PGA2311 Datasheet(PDF) 10 Page - Texas Instruments

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Part # PGA2311
Description  Stereo Audio Volume Control
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Manufacturer  TI1 [Texas Instruments]
Direct Link  http://www.ti.com
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7 Detailed Description
7.1 Overview
The PGA2311 is a stereo audio volume control that can be used in a wide array of professional and consumer
audio equipment. The PGA2311 is fabricated in a sub
−micron CMOS process.
The heart of the PGA2311 is a resistor network, an analog switch array, and a high
−performance operational
amplifier stage. The switches select taps in the resistor network that determine the gain of the amplifier stage.
Switch selections are programmed using a serial control port. The serial port allows connection to a wide variety
of host controllers. Functional Block Diagram shows a model diagram of the PGA2311.
7.2 Functional Block Diagram
7.3 Feature Description
7.3.1 Analog Inputs and Outputs
The PGA2311 includes two independent channels (referred to as the left and right channels). Each channel has
a corresponding input and output pin. The input and output pins are unbalanced, or referenced to analog ground
(either AGNDR or AGNDL). The inputs are VINR (pin 9) and VINL (pin 16), while the outputs are VOUTR (pin 11)
and VOUTL (pin 14). The input and output pins may swing within 1.25 V of the analog power supplies, VA+ (pin
12) and VA− (pin 13). Given VA+ = +5 V and VA− = −5 V, the maximum input or output voltage range is 7.5 Vp-p.
For optimal performance, drive the PGA2311 with a low source impedance. A source impedance of 600
Ω or less
is recommended. Source impedances up to 2 k
Ω cause minimal degradation of THD+N. Refer to Figure 8 for
more details.
7.3.2 Gain Settings
The gain for each channel is set by its corresponding 8
−bit code, either R[7:0] or L[7:0] (see Figure 1). The gain
code data is straight binary format. If N equals the decimal equivalent of R[7:0] or L[7:0], then the following
relationships exist for the gain settings:
For N = 0: Mute Condition. The input multiplexer is connected to analog ground (AGNDR or AGNDL).
For N = 1 to 255: Gain (dB) = 31.5
− [0.5 w (255 − N)]
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Copyright © 2001–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated
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