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TLV333IDR Datasheet(PDF) 13 Page - Texas Instruments |
TLV333IDR Datasheet(HTML) 13 Page - Texas Instruments |
13 / 34 page V OUT R = 20 kW P Op Amp V = GND - Device V IN V+ = 5 V -5 V Additional Negative Supply 5 kW Device 10 mA max 5 V V IN V OUT I OVERLOAD TLV333, TLV2333, TLV4333 www.ti.com SBOS751 – DECEMBER 2015 Feature Description (continued) 8.3.2 Input Voltage The TLV333, TLV2333, and TLV4333 input common-mode voltage range extends 0.1 V beyond the supply rails. The TLV333 is designed to cover the full range without the troublesome transition region found in some other rail-to-rail amplifiers. Typically, input bias current is approximately 200 pA; however, input voltages that exceed the power supplies can cause excessive current to flow into or out of the input pins. Momentary voltages greater than the power supply can be tolerated if the input current is limited to 10 mA. This limitation is easily accomplished with an input resistor, as shown in Figure 18. NOTE: A current-limiting resistor required if the input voltage exceeds the supply rails by ≥ 0.3 V. Figure 18. Input Current Protection 8.3.3 Internal Offset Correction The TLV333, TLV2333, and TLV4333 op amps use an auto-calibration technique with a time-continuous, 125- kHz op amp in the signal path. This amplifier is zero-corrected every 8 µs using a proprietary technique. Upon power-up, the amplifier requires approximately 100 μs to achieve specified VOS accuracy. This design has no aliasing or flicker noise. 8.3.4 Achieving Output Swing to the Op Amp Negative Rail Some applications require output voltage swings from 0 V to a positive full-scale voltage (such as 2.5 V) with excellent accuracy. With most single-supply op amps, problems arise when the output signal approaches 0 V, near the lower output swing limit of a single-supply op amp. A good single-supply op amp can swing close to single-supply ground, but does not reach ground. The output of the TLV333, TLV2333, and TLV4333 can be made to swing to ground, or slightly below, on a single-supply power source. This swing to ground requires the use of another resistor and an additional, more negative, power supply than the op amp negative supply. Connect a pull-down resistor between the output and the additional negative supply to pull the output down below the value that the output can otherwise achieve, as shown in Figure 19. Figure 19. For VOUT Range to Ground Copyright © 2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback 13 Product Folder Links: TLV333 TLV2333 TLV4333 |
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