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MC145151P2 Datasheet(PDF) 19 Page - Motorola, Inc |
MC145151P2 Datasheet(HTML) 19 Page - Motorola, Inc |
19 / 36 page MC145151–2 through MC145158–2 MOTOROLA 19 If frequency fV is greater than fR or if the phase of fV is leading, then error information is provided by φV pulsing low. φR remains essentially high. If the frequency fV is less than fR or if the phase of fV is lagging, then error information is provided by φR pulsing low. φV remains essentially high. If the frequency of fV = fR and both are in phase, then both φV and φR remain high except for a small minimum time period when both pulse low in phase. fR, fV R Counter Output, N Counter Output (Pins 13, 3) Buffered, divided reference and fin frequency outputs. The fR and fV outputs are connected internally to the ÷ R and ÷ N counter outputs respectively, allowing the counters to be used independently, as well as monitoring the phase detector inputs. LD Lock Detector Output (Pin 7) This output is essentially at a high level when the loop is locked (fR, fV of same phase and frequency), and pulses low when loop is out of lock. REFout Buffered Reference Oscillator Output (Pin 14) This output can be used as a second local oscillator, refer- ence oscillator to another frequency synthesizer, or as the system clock to a microprocessor controller. S/Rout Shift Register Output (Pin 12) This output can be connected to an external shift register to provide band switching, control information, and counter programming code checking. POWER SUPPLY VDD Positive Power Supply (Pin 4) The positive power supply potential. This pin may range from + 3 to + 9 V with respect to VSS. VSS Negative Power Supply (Pin 6) The most negative supply potential. This pin is usually ground. MC145157–2 Data Sheet Continued on Page 23 |
Similar Part No. - MC145151P2 |
Similar Description - MC145151P2 |
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