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MC145151P2 Datasheet(PDF) 16 Page - Motorola, Inc |
MC145151P2 Datasheet(HTML) 16 Page - Motorola, Inc |
16 / 36 page MC145151–2 through MC145158–2 MOTOROLA 16 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS Figure 1. AM/FM Radio Broadcast Synthesizer SW2 SW1 φV φR PDout MC fin ENB DATA CLK REFout VSS VDD LD RA0 RA1 RA2 OSCin OSCout NOTES 1 AND 2 OPTIONAL LOOP ERROR SIGNAL MC12019 ÷ 20/21 DUAL MODULUS PRESCALER VCO AM B + + 12 V FM B + + 12 V LOCK DETECT SIGNAL TO DISPLAY DRIVER (e.g., MC14489) CMOS MPU/MCU KEY– BOARD + V 3.2 MHz MC145156–2 1/2 MC1458 NOTE 3 + – NOTES: 1. For AM: channel spacing = 5 kHz, ÷ R = ÷ 640 (code 100). 2. For FM: channel spacing = 25 kHz, ÷ R = ÷ 128 (code 010). 3. The φR and φV outputs are fed to an external combiner/loop filter. See the Phase–Locked Loop — Low–Pass Filter Design page for additional information. The φR and φV outputs swing rail–to–rail. Therefore, the user should be careful not to exceed the common mode input range of the op amp used in the combiner/loop filter. Figure 2. Avionics Navigation or Communication Synthesizer NAV = 01 COM = 10 CHANNEL SELECTION VCO LOCK DETECT SIGNAL TO DISPLAY DRIVER (e.g., MC14489) CMOS MPU/MCU + V 3.2 MHz (NOTE 3) MC145156–2 MC33171 NOTE 5 SW2 SW1 φV φR PDout MC fin ENB DATA CLK REFout VSS VDD LD RA0 RA1 RA2 OSCin OSCout MC12016 (NOTES 2 AND 4) ÷ 40/41 DUAL MODULUS PRESCALER + – VCO RANGE NAV: 97.300 – 107.250 MHz COM–T: 118.000 – 135.975 MHz COM–R: 139.400 – 157.375 MHz R/T NOTES: 1. For NAV: fR = 50 kHz, ÷ R = 64 using 10.7 MHz lowside injection, Ntotal = 1946 – 2145. For COM–T: fR = 25 kHz, ÷ R = 128, Ntotal = 4720 – 5439. For COM–R: fR = 25 kHz, ÷ R = 128, using 21.4 MHz highside injection, Ntotal = 5576 – 6295. 2. A ÷ 32/33 dual modulus approach is provided by substituting an MC12015 for the MC12016. The devices are pin equivalent. 3. A 6.4 MHz oscillator crystal can be used by selecting ÷ R = 128 (code 010) for NAV and ÷ R = 256 (code 011) for COM. 4. MC12013 + MC10131 combination may also be used to form the ÷ 40/41 prescaler. 5. The φR and φV outputs are fed to an external combiner/loop filter. See the Phase–Locked Loop — Low–Pass Filter Design page for additional information. The φR and φV outputs swing rail–to–rail. Therefore, the user should be careful not to exceed the common mode input range of the op amp used in the combiner/loop filter. MC145156–2 Data Sheet Continued on Page 23 |
Similar Part No. - MC145151P2 |
Similar Description - MC145151P2 |
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