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MC145151P2 Datasheet(PDF) 10 Page - Motorola, Inc |
MC145151P2 Datasheet(HTML) 10 Page - Motorola, Inc |
10 / 36 page MC145151–2 through MC145158–2 MOTOROLA 10 14 x 8 ROM REFERENCE DECODER 14–BIT ÷ N COUNTER φV φR 14–BIT ÷ R COUNTER LATCH PHASE DETECTOR B PHASE DETECTOR A LOCK DETECT LD PDout fin VDD OSCin OSCout ENB 14 14 SW2 SW1 fR fV LATCH 14–BIT SHIFT REGISTER DATA 2–BIT SHIFT REGISTER CLK 14 REFout MC145155–2 BLOCK DIAGRAM RA2 RA0 RA1 PIN DESCRIPTIONS INPUT PINS fin Frequency Input (PDIP – Pin 9, SOG – Pin 10) Input to the ÷ N portion of the synthesizer. fin is typically derived from loop VCO and is ac coupled into the device. For larger amplitude signals (standard CMOS logic levels) dc coupling may be used. RA0, RA1, RA2 Reference Address Inputs (PDIP – Pins 18, 1, 2; SOG – Pins 20, 1, 2) These three inputs establish a code defining one of eight possible divide values for the total reference divider, as defined by the table below: Reference Address Code Total Divide Value RA2 RA1 RA0 Divide Value 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 16 512 1024 2048 3668 4096 6144 8192 CLK, DATA Shift Register Clock, Serial Data Inputs (PDIP – Pins 10, 11; SOG – Pins 11, 12) Each low–to–high transition clocks one bit into the on–chip 16–bit shift register. The Data input provides programming information for the 14–bit ÷ N counter and the two switch sig- nals SW1 and SW2. The entry format is as follows: ÷ N COUNTER BITS LAST DATA BIT IN (BIT NO. 16) FIRST DATA BIT IN (BIT NO. 1) ENB Latch Enable Input (PDIP – Pin 12, SOG – Pin 13) When high (1), ENB transfers the contents of the shift reg- ister into the latches, and to the programmable counter in- puts, and the switch outputs SW1 and SW2. When low (0), ENB inhibits the above action and thus allows changes to be made in the shift register data without affecting the counter programming and switch outputs. An on–chip pull–up esta- blishes a continuously high level for ENB when no external signal is applied. ENB is normally low and is pulsed high to transfer data to the latches. OSCin, OSCout Reference Oscillator Input/Output (PDIP – Pins 17, 16; SOG – Pins 19, 18) These pins form an on–chip reference oscillator when con- nected to terminals of an external parallel resonant crystal. Frequency setting capacitors of appropriate value must be connected from OSCin to ground and OSCout to ground. OSCin may also serve as the input for an externally–gener- ated reference signal. This signal is typically ac coupled to OSCin, but for larger amplitude signals (standard CMOS logic levels) dc coupling may also be used. In the external reference mode, no connection is required to OSCout. |
Similar Part No. - MC145151P2 |
Similar Description - MC145151P2 |
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