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NOA1305CUTAG Datasheet(PDF) 11 Page - ON Semiconductor

Part # NOA1305CUTAG
Description  Ambient Light Sensor
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Manufacturer  ONSEMI [ON Semiconductor]
Direct Link  http://www.onsemi.com
Logo ONSEMI - ON Semiconductor

NOA1305CUTAG Datasheet(HTML) 11 Page - ON Semiconductor

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equal to the threshold (and provided the INT pin is enabled,
see INT_SELECT register).
Changing the INT_THRESH register value can cause the
INT pin to change immediately if the ALS_DATA to
INT_THRESH comparison changes.
Powering down the device will cause the INT pin to
become inactive.
To program a value into the INT_THRESH register, use
the following write command sequence:
1. Issue Start command
2. Issue 0x72 (lower seven bits of I2C slave address
0x39 followed by write−bit 0)
3. Issue 0x04 for the INT_THRES_LSB register
4. Issue the 8−bit LSB value
5. Issue Stop command
6. Issue Start command
7. Issue 0x72 (lower seven bits of I2C slave address
0x39 followed by write−bit 0)
8. Issue 0x05 for the INT_THRES_MSB register
9. Issue the 8−bit MSB value
10. Issue Stop command
After a power−down and power−on sequence, wait at least
three integration times for the data to stabilize, before
accessing any ALS_DATA values from NOA1305.
(0x06, 0x07)
The ALS_DATA register holds the ambient light intensity
count from the most recent measurement. The ALS_DATA
register is 16−bits wide and is accessed from the I2C bus as
two 8−bit registers for the least and most significant bits
(LSB and MSB).
To read the ALS_DATA register, use the following read
command sequence:
1. Issue Start command
2. Issue 0x72 (lower seven bits of I2C slave address
0x39 followed by write−bit 0)
3. Issue 0x06 for the INT_DATA_LSB register
4. Issue Start command
5. Issue 0x73 (lower seven bits of I2C slave address
0x39 followed by read−bit 1)
6. Read the ALS_DATA_LSB byte
7. Read the ALS_DATA_MSB byte
8. Issue Stop command
(0x08, 0x09)
The DEVICE_ID register is a pre−programmed register
that describes the device. For the NOA1305, the register
holds the decimal value of 1305 (0x0519). The DEVICE_ID
register is 16−bits wide and is accessed from the I2C bus as
two 8−bit registers for the least and most significant bits
(LSB and MSB).
To read the DEVICE_ID register, use the following read
command sequence:
1. Issue Start command
2. Issue 0x72 (lower seven bits of I2C slave address
0x39 followed by write−bit 0)
3. Issue 0x08 for the DEVICE_ID_LSB register
4. Issue Start command
5. Issue 0x73 (lower seven bits of I2C slave address
0x39 followed by read−bit 1)
6. Read the DEVICE_ID_LSB byte
7. Read the DEVICE_ID_MSB byte
8. Issue Stop command

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