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TPS61220 Datasheet(PDF) 12 Page - Texas Instruments |
TPS61220 Datasheet(HTML) 12 Page - Texas Instruments |
12 / 27 page TPS61220, TPS61221, TPS61222 SLVS776B – JANUARY 2009 – REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 www.ti.com Feature Description (continued) 10.3.2 Device Enable And Shutdown Mode The device is enabled when EN is driven high, and shut down when EN is low. During shutdown, the converter stops switching and all internal control circuitry is turned off. During shutdown, the input voltage is connected to the output through the back-gate diode of the rectifying MOSFET. This means that voltage is always present at the output, which can be as high as the input voltage or lower depending on the load. 10.3.3 Startup After the EN pin is tied high, the device begins to operate. If the input voltage is not high enough to supply the control circuit properly, a startup oscillator operates the switches. During this phase, the switching frequency is controlled by the oscillator, and the maximum switch current is limited. When the device has built up the output voltage to approximately 1.8V, high enough to supply the control circuit, the device switches to its normal hysteretic current mode operation. The startup time depends on input voltage and load current. 10.3.4 Operation At Output Overload If, in normal boost operation, the inductor current reaches the internal switch current limit threshold, the main switch is turned off to stop further increase of the input current. In this case the output voltage will decrease because the device cannot provide sufficient power to maintain the set output voltage. If the output voltage drops below the input voltage, the backgate diode of the rectifying switch becomes forward biased, and current starts to flow through it. This diode cannot be turned off, so the current finally is only limited by the remaining DC resistances. As soon as the overload condition is removed, the converter resumes providing the set output voltage. 10.3.5 Undervoltage Lockout An undervoltage lockout function stops the operation of the converter if the input voltage drops below the typical undervoltage lockout threshold. This function is implemented in order to prevent converter malfunction. 10.3.6 Overvoltage Protection If, for any reason, the output voltage is not fed back properly to the input of the voltage amplifier, control of the output voltage is lost. Therefore an overvoltage protection is implemented to avoid the output voltage exceeding critical values for the device and possibly for the system it is supplying. For this protection, the TPS6122x output voltage is also monitored internally. If it reaches the internally programmed threshold of 6.5 V, typically the voltage amplifier regulates (limits) the output voltage to this value. If the TPS6122x is used to drive LEDs, this feature protects the circuit if the LED fails. 10.3.7 Overtemperature Protection The device has a built-in temperature sensor which monitors the internal IC junction temperature. If the temperature exceeds the programmed threshold (see electrical characteristics table), the device stops operating. As soon as the IC temperature has decreased below the programmed threshold, it starts operating again. To prevent unstable operation close to the region of overtemperature threshold, a built-in hysteresis is implemented. 10.4 Device Functional Modes • Enabled or disabled • Continuous or discontinuous current operation • Protective mechanisms – Output Overload – Undervoltage – Overvoltage – Overtemperature 12 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2009–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS61220 TPS61221 TPS61222 |
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