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ML4830 Datasheet(PDF) 8 Page - Micro Linear Corporation |
ML4830 Datasheet(HTML) 8 Page - Micro Linear Corporation |
8 / 15 page ML4830 8 IC BIAS, UNDER-VOLTAGE LOCKOUT AND THERMAL SHUTDOWN The IC includes a shunt regulator which will limit the voltage at VCC to 13.5 (VCCZ). The IC should be fed with a current limited source, typically derived from the ballast transformer auxiliary winding. When VCC is below VCCZ – 0.7V, the IC draws less than 1.7mA of quiescent current and the outputs are off. This allows the IC to start using a “bleed resistor” from the rectified AC line. VCCZ VCC ICC t V(ON) V(OFF) 15mA 1.3mA t Figure 3. Typical VCC and ICC waveforms when ML4830 is started with a bleed resistor from the rectified AC line and bootstrapped from the ballast transformer. To help reduce ballast cost, the ML4830 includes a temperature sensor which will inhibit ballast operation if the IC’s junction temperature exceeds 120°C. In order to use this sensor in lieu of an external sensor, care should be taken when placing the IC to ensure that it is sensing temperature at the physically appropriate point in the ballast. The ML4830’s die temperature can be estimated with the following equation: TT P C W JA D ≅× × ° 65 / (7) STARTING, RE-START, PREHEAT AND INTERRUPT The lamp starting scenario implemented in the ML4830 is designed to maximize lamp life and minimize ballast heating during lamp out conditions. The circuit in Figure 4 controls the lamp starting scenarios: Filament preheat and Lamp Out interrupt. C(X) is charged with a current of I or R SET and disch ed R SET () . () arg 4 0 625 through R(X). The voltage at C(X) is initialized to 0.7V (VBE) at power up. The time for C(X) to rise to 3.4V is the filament preheat time. During that time, the oscillator ch ing current I is R SET in both VCO es CHG arg ( ) . () mod . 25 This will produce a high frequency (or low duty cycle) for filament preheat, but will not produce sufficient voltage to ignite the lamp. After cathode heating, the inverter frequency drops to FMIN causing a high voltage to appear to ignite the lamp. If the voltage does not drop when the lamp is supposed to have ignited, the lamp voltage feedback coming into Pin 10 rises to above VREF, the C(X) charging current is shut off and the inverter is inhibited until C(X) is discharged by R(X) to the 1.2V threshold. Shutting off the inverter in this manner prevents the inverter from generating excessive heat when the lamp fails to strike or is out of socket. Typically this time is set to be fairly long by choosing a large value of R(X). LFB OUT is ignored until C(X) reaches 6.8V threshold. The lamps are therefore driven to full power and then dimmed. The C(X) pin is clamped to about 7.5V. A timing diagram of lamp ignition and restart sequences provided by the circuit of Figure 4 is given in Figure 7. 12 10 R(X) C(X) 6.8 + – 1.2/3.4 HEAT INHIBIT .625 R(SET) + – 1.2/6.8 – + VREF DIMMING LOCKOUT R(X)/C(X) INT Q R S Figure 4. Lamp Preheat and Interrupt Timers Mode PWM FM [F(MAX) to F(MIN)] Preheat 50% 2 Dimming Lock-out D(MAX)% F(MIN) Dimming Control 0 to D(MAX)% F(MIN) to F(MAX) Figure 5. Lamp Starting Summary A summary of the lamp starting scenarios are given in figure 5 for both PWM and Frequency Modulation modes. The PWM duty cycle is defined as: Duty Cycle t t ON CLK = |
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