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PIC16F84A Datasheet(PDF) 23 Page - Microchip Technology |
PIC16F84A Datasheet(HTML) 23 Page - Microchip Technology |
23 / 124 page PIC16F8X © 1998 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430C-page 23 5.2 PORTB and TRISB Registers PORTB is an 8-bit wide bi-directional port. The corresponding data direction register is TRISB. A '1' on any bit in the TRISB register puts the corresponding output driver in a hi-impedance mode. A '0' on any bit in the TRISB register puts the contents of the output latch on the selected pin(s). Each of the PORTB pins have a weak internal pull-up. A single control bit can turn on all the pull-ups. This is done by clearing the RBPU (OPTION_REG<7>) bit. The weak pull-up is automatically turned off when the port pin is configured as an output. The pull-ups are disabled on a Power-on Reset. Four of PORTB’s pins, RB7:RB4, have an interrupt on change feature. Only pins configured as inputs can cause this interrupt to occur (i.e., any RB7:RB4 pin configured as an output is excluded from the interrupt on change comparison). The pins value in input mode are compared with the old value latched on the last read of PORTB. The “mismatch” outputs of the pins are OR’ed together to generate the RB port change interrupt. FIGURE 5-3: BLOCK DIAGRAM OF PINS RB7:RB4 This interrupt can wake the device from SLEEP. The user, in the interrupt service routine, can clear the interrupt in the following manner: a) Read (or write) PORTB. This will end the mis- match condition. b) Clear flag bit RBIF. A mismatch condition will continue to set the RBIF bit. Reading PORTB will end the mismatch condition, and allow the RBIF bit to be cleared. This interrupt on mismatch feature, together with software configurable pull-ups on these four pins allow easy interface to a key pad and make it possible for wake-up on key-depression (see AN552 in the Embedded Control Handbook). The interrupt on change feature is recommended for wake-up on key depression operation and operations where PORTB is only used for the interrupt on change feature. Polling of PORTB is not recommended while using the interrupt on change feature. FIGURE 5-4: BLOCK DIAGRAM OF PINS RB3:RB0 RBPU(1) Data Latch From other P VDD Q D CK Q D CK Q D EN Q D EN Data bus WR Port WR TRIS Set RBIF TRIS Latch RD TRIS RD Port RB7:RB4 pins weak pull-up RD Port Latch TTL Input Buffer Note 1: TRISB = '1' enables weak pull-up (if RBPU = '0' in the OPTION_REG register). 2: I/O pins have diode protection to VDD and VSS. I/O pin(2) Note 1: For a change on the I/O pin to be recognized, the pulse width must be at least TCY (4/fOSC) wide. RBPU(1) I/O pin(2) Data Latch P VDD Q D CK Q D CK Q D EN Data bus WR Port WR TRIS RD TRIS RD Port weak pull-up RD Port RB0/INT TTL Input Buffer Schmitt Trigger Buffer TRIS Latch Note 1: TRISB = '1' enables weak pull-up (if RBPU = '0' in the OPTION_REG register). 2: I/O pins have diode protection to VDD and VSS. |
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