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PIC16F84A Datasheet(PDF) 34 Page - Microchip Technology |
PIC16F84A Datasheet(HTML) 34 Page - Microchip Technology |
34 / 124 page ![]() PIC16F8X DS30430C-page 34 © 1998 Microchip Technology Inc. 7.2 EECON1 and EECON2 Registers EECON1 is the control register with five low order bits physically implemented. The upper-three bits are non- existent and read as '0's. Control bits RD and WR initiate read and write, respectively. These bits cannot be cleared, only set, in software. They are cleared in hardware at completion of the read or write operation. The inability to clear the WR bit in software prevents the accidental, premature ter- mination of a write operation. The WREN bit, when set, will allow a write operation. On power-up, the WREN bit is clear. The WRERR bit is set when a write operation is interrupted by a MCLR reset or a WDT time-out reset during normal operation. In these situations, following reset, the user can check the WRERR bit and rewrite the location. The data and address will be unchanged in the EEDATA and EEADR registers. Interrupt flag bit EEIF is set when write is complete. It must be cleared in software. EECON2 is not a physical register. Reading EECON2 will read all '0's. The EECON2 register is used exclusively in the Data EEPROM write sequence. 7.3 Reading the EEPROM Data Memory To read a data memory location, the user must write the address to the EEADR register and then set control bit RD (EECON1<0>). The data is available, in the very next cycle, in the EEDATA register; therefore it can be read in the next instruction. EEDATA will hold this value until another read or until it is written to by the user (during a write operation). EXAMPLE 7-1: DATA EEPROM READ BCF STATUS, RP0 ; Bank 0 MOVLW CONFIG_ADDR ; MOVWF EEADR ; Address to read BSF STATUS, RP0 ; Bank 1 BSF EECON1, RD ; EE Read BCF STATUS, RP0 ; Bank 0 MOVF EEDATA, W ; W = EEDATA 7.4 Writing to the EEPROM Data Memory To write an EEPROM data location, the user must first write the address to the EEADR register and the data to the EEDATA register. Then the user must follow a specific sequence to initiate the write for each byte. EXAMPLE 7-1: DATA EEPROM WRITE BSF STATUS, RP0 ; Bank 1 BCF INTCON, GIE ; Disable INTs. BSF EECON1, WREN ; Enable Write MOVLW 55h ; MOVWF EECON2 ; Write 55h MOVLW AAh ; MOVWF EECON2 ; Write AAh BSF EECON1,WR ; Set WR bit ; begin write BSF INTCON, GIE ; Enable INTs. The write will not initiate if the above sequence is not exactly followed (write 55h to EECON2, write AAh to EECON2, then set WR bit) for each byte. We strongly recommend that interrupts be disabled during this code segment. Additionally, the WREN bit in EECON1 must be set to enable write. This mechanism prevents accidental writes to data EEPROM due to errant (unexpected) code execution (i.e., lost programs). The user should keep the WREN bit clear at all times, except when updating EEPROM. The WREN bit is not cleared by hardware After a write sequence has been initiated, clearing the WREN bit will not affect this write cycle. The WR bit will be inhibited from being set unless the WREN bit is set. At the completion of the write cycle, the WR bit is cleared in hardware and the EE Write Complete Interrupt Flag bit (EEIF) is set. The user can either enable this interrupt or poll this bit. EEIF must be cleared by software. |
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