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TLE7250GVIO Datasheet(PDF) 16 Page - Infineon Technologies AG |
TLE7250GVIO Datasheet(HTML) 16 Page - Infineon Technologies AG |
16 / 23 page Data Sheet 16 Rev. 1.1, 2014-04-23 TLE7250GVIO Electrical Characteristics Not Enable Input NEN 7.1.18 “High” level input voltage threshold V NEN,H –0.5 × V IO 0.7 × V IO V stand-by mode 7.1.19 “Low” level input voltage threshold V NEN,L 0.3 × V IO 0.4 × V IO – V normal-operating mode 7.1.20 NEN pull-up resistance R NEN 10 25 50 k Ω – 7.1.21 NEN input hysteresis V HYS(NEN) – 200 – mV 1) Bus Receiver 7.1.22 Differential receiver threshold “dominant” V DIFF,(D) – 0.75 0.9 V normal-operating mode 7.1.23 Differential receiver threshold “recessive” V DIFF,(R) 0.5 0.65 – normal-operating mode 7.1.24 Differential receiver input range “dominant” V diff,rdN 0.9 – 5.0 V 1) normal-operating mode 7.1.25 Differential receiver input range “recessive” V diff,drN -1.0 – 0.5 V 1) normal-operating mode 7.1.26 Common mode range CMR -12 – 12 V V CC = 5 V 7.1.27 Differential receiver hysteresis V diff,hys – 100 – mV 1) 7.1.28 CANH, CANL input resistance R i 10 20 30 k Ω “recessive” state 7.1.29 Differential input resistance R diff 20 40 60 k Ω “recessive” state 7.1.30 Input resistance deviation between CANH and CANL ΔR i -3 – 3 % 1) “recessive” state 7.1.31 Input capacitance CANH, CANL versus GND C IN –20 40 pF 1) V TxD = VIO 7.1.32 Differential input capacitance C InDiff –10 20 pF 1) V TxD = VIO Bus Transmitter 7.1.33 CANL/CANH “recessive” output voltage V CANL/H 2.0 2.5 3.0 V no load; VTxD = VIO 7.1.34 CANH, CANL “recessive” output voltage difference V diff -500 – 50 mV no load; VTxD = VIO 7.1.35 CANL “dominant” output voltage V CANL 0.5 – 2.25 V 4.75 V ≤ V CC ≤ 5.25 V, VTxD = 0 V, 50 Ω < RL <65 Ω 7.1.36 CANH “dominant” output voltage V CANH 2.75 – 4.5 V 4.75 V ≤ V CC ≤ 5.25 V, VTxD = 0 V, 50 Ω < RL <65 Ω 7.1.37 CANH, CANL “dominant” output voltage difference Vdiff = VCANH - VCANL V diff 1.5 – 3.0 V 4.75 V ≤ V CC ≤ 5.25 V, VTxD = 0 V, 50 Ω < RL <65 Ω 7.1.38 Driver symmetry VSYM = VCANH + VCANL V SYM 4.5 – 5.5 V VTxD =0V, VCC =5V, 50 Ω < RL <65 Ω Table 6 Electrical Characteristics (cont’d) 4.5 V < V CC <5.5 V; 3.0V< VIO <5.5 V; RL =60 Ω; -40 °C< Tj <+150 °C; all voltages with respect to ground; positive current flowing into the pin; unless otherwise specified. Pos. Parameter Symbol Limit Values Unit Remarks Min. Typ. Max. |
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