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U4082BG-S28-T Datasheet(PDF) 8 Page - Unisonic Technologies |
U4082BG-S28-T Datasheet(HTML) 8 Page - Unisonic Technologies |
8 / 13 page UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD U4082B LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT UNISONICTECHNOLOGIESCO.,LTD 8 of 13 www.unisonic.com.tw QW-R108-020.A FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION INTRODUCTION Between operation of a speakerphone and a handset, the fundamental difference is that of half-duplex versus full-duplex. The UTC U4082B includes the necessary level detectors, attenuators, and switching control for a properly operating speakerphone. The detection sensitivity and timing can be externally controlled. The UTC U4082B also provides background noise monitors to make the circuit insensitive to room and line noise, hybrid amplifier to interface to Tip and Ring, the microphone amplifier, and other associated functions. ATTENUATORS The transmit and receive attenuators are complementary in function, and they are never both fully on or both fully off. For example, when one is at maximum gain: +6dB, the other is at maximum attenuation: -46dB, and vice versa. But sum of their gains remains constant at -40dB typically. To control the transmit and receive paths to provide the half-duplex operation required in speakerphone is the attenuators’ purpose. The attenuators are non-inverting, have a -3dB (from max gain) frequency of ~100kHz, their input impedance of each one is nominally 10kΩ, and to prevent distortion, their input signal should be limited to 350 mVrms(same as 990mvp-p). After the output current limit (typically 2.5mA) is reached, the output impedance is<10Ω. 96KΩ 4.0kΩ 10kΩ To Attenuator Input VB TXI/RXI These attenuators can be controlled by the Control Block’s output signal. When the CT pin which measures the signal is at +240mV with respect to VB, the circuit is in the receive mode and so receive attenuator is at +6dB. When the CT voltage is equal to VB, the circuit is in an idle mode, and it also causing the attenuators’ gains to be halfway between their fully on and fully off positions (typical -20 dB each). The most direct method to monitor the circuit’s mode is monitoring the CT voltage (with respect to VB). LEVEL DETECTORS There are two level detectors on the receive side and two level detectors on the transmit side. The terms in parentheses form one system, and the other terms form the second system. All the four level detectors are high amplifiers which have back-to-back diodes in the feedback path, and then it is resulting in non-linear gain, which permits operation over a wide dynamic range of speech levels. TLI1, TLI2, RLI1, and RLI2, the external resistor and capacitor determine the sensitivity of each level detector. Through a diode each output charges an external capacitor and limiting resistor, thus providing a DC representation of the input AC signal level. The capacitor and an internal 350Ω resistor provide the outputs’ quick rise time. And an internal current source and the capacitor set a slow decay time. On the receive side, RLI1 is at the receive input receiving the same signal as at Tip and Ring, and RLI2 is at the output of the speaker amplifier. On the transmit side, TLI2 is at the microphone amplifier, while TLI1 is at the hybrid output. |
Similar Part No. - U4082BG-S28-T |
Similar Description - U4082BG-S28-T |
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