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TMP411-Q1 Datasheet(PDF) 31 Page - Texas Instruments

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Part # TMP411-Q1
Description  짹1째C Remote and Local Temperature Sensor With N-Factor and Series Resistance Correction
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Manufacturer  TI [Texas Instruments]
Direct Link  http://www.ti.com
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The following table summarizes the revisions of the TMP411-Q1 Data Sheet.
Note: numbering may vary from previous versions.
Table 14. Revision History
Literature Number
December, 2010
See (1)
March, 2012
See (2)
August, 2012
See (3)
September, 2012
See (4)
October, 2012
See (5)
TMP411-Q1 Data Sheet, (SBOS527) – initial release.
TMP411-Q1 Data Sheet, (SBOS527A):
(a) Removed all existing Applications, and added automotive.
(b) Changed the Ordering Information Table. Removed Preview devices TMP411xQDRQ1, and added device TMP411DQDGKRQ1
TMP411-Q1 Data Sheet, (SBOS527B):
(a) Added table note to Ordering Information Table, and added default to the Local Temperature High Limit column header.
(b) Added another column to Table 4: Power-on Reset (HEX) for D.
TMP411-Q1 Data Sheet, (SBOS527C):
(a) Removed part of sentence from Description: "wide remote temperature measurement range (up to 150°C)".
(b) Changed extended Default Local Temperature High Limit to standard, and removed extended table note and package columns in the
Ordering Information Table.
(c) Removed the last two sentences in the first paragraph in the Temperature Measurement Data section; also added "which is referred
to as standard temperature mode."
(d) Removed paragraph after "Likewise, temperatures above 127°C result in a value of 127 (7Fh)." in the Temperature Measurement
Data section.
(e) Removed Extended Binary columns from Table 2 and first paragraph beginning with "Note:" underneath the table.
(f) Removed "AND EXTENDED" from columns in Table 3.
(g) Added the sentence "Please note read pointer address 0x05, 0x07, 0x19, and 0x20 have different power-on-reset values for A, B, C
vs D" before last sentence in the Pointer Register section.
(h) Added space in between One and Shot in Figure 12 so it reads One Shot Register instead of OneShot Register.
(i) Changed last sentence of first, and third paragraph, and the sixth sentence of the last paragraph in the Limit Registers section to:
"The power-on-reset value of the local-temperature high limit is 55h for TMP411A-Q1 and 6Eh for TMP411D-Q1 (85°C for TMP411A-
Q1 and 110°C for TMP411D-Q1)”
(j) Removed "–64°C in extended mode" from the second and fourth paragraphs in the Limit Registers section.
(k) Removed last paragraph in the Limit Registers section.
(l) Replaced last sentence of sixth paragraph in the Configuration Register section with "This bit is set to 0 by default and cannot be
(m) Removed: 1 =
−55°C to 150°C from temperature range row in Table 6.
(n) Added "and TMP411D-Q1" to the second to last sentence in the Serial Bus Address section; removed last sentence.
(o) Updated layout of Consecutive Alert Register and Therm Hysteresis Register sections to make them easier to read.
(p) Fixed ALERT active low for IOH in Electrical Characteristics table.
(q) Changed second to last sentence in the sixth paragraph of the Configuration Register section from: Setting this bit low configures the
TMP411-Q1 for the standard measurement range (0°C to 127°C); temperature conversions are stored in the standard binary format,
to: Setting this bit low configures the TMP411-Q1 for the standard measurement range (0°C to 127°C), and temperature conversions
are stored in the standard binary format.
(r) Removed ", whether the device is operating in the standard or extended mode setting." from the last sentence in the Therm
Hysteresis Register section.
TMP411-Q1 Data Sheet, (SBOS527D):
(a) Added Default Local High Temperature Limit and Default Remote High Temperature Limit columns to the Ordering Information table;
changed last column header from Default Local Temperature High Limit to Default Temperature Range.
Copyright © 2010–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated
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