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M13L2561616A-2A Datasheet(PDF) 29 Page - Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. |
M13L2561616A-2A Datasheet(HTML) 29 Page - Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. |
29 / 49 page ESMT M13L2561616A (2A) Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Sep. 2012 Revision : 1.0 29/49 Truth Table – Current State Bank n Current State CS RAS CAS WE COMMAND / ACTION NOTE Command to Bank n [Note 1~6,13] H X X X DESELECT (NOP / continue previous operation) Any L H H H No Operation (NOP / continue previous operation) L L H H ACTIVE (select and activate row) L L L H AUTO REFRESH 7 Idle L L L L MODE REGISTER SET 7 L H L H READ (select column & start read burst) 10 L H L L WRITE (select column & start write burst) 10 Row Active L L H L PRECHARGE (deactivate row in bank or banks) 8 L H L H READ (select column & start new read burst) 10 L H L L WRITE (select column & start write burst) 10, 12 L L H L PRECHARGE (truncate read burst, start precharge) 8 Read (Auto Precharge Disabled) L H H L BURST TERMINATE 9 L H L H READ (select column & start read burst) 10, 11 L H L L WRITE (select column & start new write burst) 10 Write (Auto Precharge Disabled) L L H L PRECHARGE (truncate write burst, start precharge) 8, 11 Command to Bank m [Note 1~3, 6,13~15] H X X X DESELECT (NOP / continue previous operation) Any L H H H No Operation (NOP / continue previous operation) Idle X X X X Any command allowed to bank m L L H H ACTIVE (select and activate row) L H L H READ (select column & start read burst) 10 L H L L WRITE (select column & start write burst) 10 Row Activating, Active, or Precharging L L H L PRECHARGE L L H H ACTIVE (select and activate row) L H L H READ (select column & start new read burst) 10 L H L L WRITE (select column & start write burst) 10, 12 Read (Auto Precharge disabled) L L H L PRECHARGE L L H H ACTIVE (select and activate row) L H L H READ (select column & start read burst) 10, 11 L H L L WRITE (select column & start new write burst) 10 Write (Auto Precharge disabled) L L H L PRECHARGE L L H H ACTIVE (select and activate row) L H L H READ (select column & start new read burst) 3a, 10 L H L L WRITE (select column & start write burst) 3a, 10, 12 Read with Auto Precharge L L H L PRECHARGE L L H H ACTIVE (select and activate row) L H L H READ (select column & start read burst) 3a, 10 L H L L WRITE (select column & start new write burst) 3a, 10 Write with Auto Precharge L L H L PRECHARGE Notes: 1. This table applies when CKEn-1 was HIGH and CKEn is HIGH and after tXSNR or tXSRD has been met (if the previous state was self refresh). |
Similar Part No. - M13L2561616A-2A |
Similar Description - M13L2561616A-2A |
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