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LTC2755 Datasheet(PDF) 14 Page - Linear Technology |
LTC2755 Datasheet(HTML) 14 Page - Linear Technology |
14 / 24 page LTC2755 14 2755f Output Ranges The LTC2755 is a quad current-output, parallel-input precision multiplying DAC with selectable output ranges. Rangescaneitherbeprogrammedinsoftwareformaximum flexibility, or hardwired through pin-strapping for greatest ease of use. Two unipolar ranges are available (0V to 5V and 0V to 10V), and four bipolar ranges (±2.5V, ±5V, ±10V and –2.5V to 7.5V). These ranges are obtained when an external precision 5V reference is used. When a reference voltage of 2V is used, the ranges become: 0V to 2V, 0V to 4V, ±1V, ±2V, ±4V and –1V to 3V. The output ranges are linearly scaled for references other than 2V and 5V. Digital Section The LTC2755 has 4 internal registers for each DAC, a total of 16 registers (see Block Diagram). Each DAC channel has two sets of double-buffered registers—one set for the data, and one set for the span (output range) of the DAC. The double-buffered feature provides the capability to simultaneously update the span and code, which al- lows smooth voltage transitions when changing output ranges. It also permits the simultaneous updating of multiple DACs. Each set of double-buffered registers comprises an input register and a DAC register. The input registers are holding buffers—when data is loaded into an input register via a write operation, the DAC outputs are not affected. The contents of a DAC register, on the other hand, di- rectly control the DAC output voltage or output range. The contents of the DAC registers are changed by copying the contents of an input register into its associated DAC register via an update operation. Write and Update Operations The data input register of the addressed DAC is loaded directly from a 16-bit microprocessor bus by holding the D/S pin low and pulsing the WR pin low (write operation). The DAC register is loaded by pulsing the UPD pin high (update operation), which copies the data held in the input register into the DAC register. Note that updates always include both data and span; but the DAC register values will not change unless the associated input register values have previously been changed via a write operation. Loading the span input register is accomplished similarly, holding the D/S pin high and pulsing the WR pin low. The span and data register structures are the same except for the number of parallel bits—the span registers have 3 bits, while the data registers have 12, 14 or 16 bits. To make both registers transparent for flowthrough mode, tie WR low and UPD high. However, this defeats the deglitcher operation and output glitch impulse may increase. The deglitcher is activated on the rising edge of the UPD pin. The interface also allows the use of the input and DAC registers in a master-slave, or edge-triggered, configura- tion. This mode of operation occurs when WR and UPD are tied together and driven by a single clock signal. The data bits are loaded into the input register on the falling edge of the clock and then loaded into the DAC register on the rising edge. It is possible to control both data and span on one 16-bit wide data bus by allowing span pins S2 to S0 to share bus lines with the data LSBs (D2 to D0). No write or read operation includes both span and data, so there cannot be a conflict. The asynchronous clear pin resets all DACs to 0V in any output range. CLR resets all data registers, while leaving the span registers undisturbed. OPERATION Figure 1. Using MSPAN to Configure the LTC2755 for Single-Span Operation (±10V Range). LTC2755-16 MSPAN S2 S1 S0 D/S 2755 F01 WR UPD READ A2 DAC ADDRESS A1 A0 DATA I/O VDD VDD DAC A ±10V ±10V ±10V ±10V DAC B DAC C DAC D 16 – + – + – + – + |
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