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LT1720 Datasheet(PDF) 10 Page - Linear Technology

Part # LT1720
Description  Dual/Quad, 4.5ns, Single Supply 3V/5V Comparators with Rail-to-Rail Outputs
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Manufacturer  LINER [Linear Technology]
Direct Link  http://www.linear.com
Logo LINER - Linear Technology

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Interfacing the LT1720/LT1721 to ECL
The LT1720/LT1721 comparators can be used in high
speed applications where Emitter-Coupled Logic (ECL) is
deployed. To interface the outputs of the LT1720/LT1721
to ECL logic inputs, standard TTL/CMOS to ECL level
translators such as the 10H124, 10H424 and 100124 can
be used. These components come at a cost of a few
nanoseconds additional delay as well as supply currents of
50mA or more, and are only available in quads. A faster,
simpler and lower power translator can be constructed
with resistors as shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5a shows the standard TTL to Positive ECL (PECL)
resistive level translator. This translator cannot be used
for the LT1720/LT1721, or with CMOS logic, because it
depends on the 820
Ω resistor to limit the output swing
(VOH) of the all-NPN TTL gate with its so-called totem-pole
output. The LT1720/LT1721 are fabricated in a comple-
mentary bipolar process and their output stage has a PNP
driver that pulls the output nearly all the way to the supply
rail, even when sourcing 10mA.
Figure 5b shows a three resistor level translator for inter-
facing the LT1720/LT1721 to ECL running off the same
supply rail. No pull-down on the output of the LT1720/
LT1721 is needed, but pull-down R3 limits the VIH seen by
the PECL gate. This is needed because ECL inputs have
both a minimum and maximum VIH specification for
proper operation. Resistor values are given for both ECL
interface types; in both cases it is assumed that the
LT1720/LT1721 operates from the same supply rail.
Figure 5c shows the case of translating to PECL from an
LT1720/LT1721 powered by a 3V supply rail. Again,
resistor values are given for both ECL interface types. This
time four resistors are needed, although with 10KH/E, R3
is not needed. In that case, the circuit resembles the
standard TTL translator of Figure 5a, but the function of
the new resistor, R4, is much different. R4 loads the
LT1720/LT1721 output when high so that the current
flowing through R1 doesn’t forward bias the LT1720/
LT1721’s internal ESD clamp diode. Although this diode
can handle 20mA without damage, normal operation and
performance of the output stage can be impaired above
µA of forward current. R4 prevents this with the
minimum additional power dissipation.
Finally, Figure 5d shows the case of driving standard,
negative-rail, ECL with the LT1720/LT1721. Resistor val-
ues are given for both ECL interface types and for both a
5V and 3V LT1720/LT1721 supply rail. Again, a fourth
resistor, R4 is needed to prevent the low state current from
flowing out of the LT1720/LT1721, turning on the internal
ESD/substrate diodes. Not only can the output stage func-
tionality and speed suffer, but in this case the substrate is
common to all the comparators in the LT1720/LT1721, so
operation of the other comparator(s) in the same package
could also be affected. Resistor R4 again prevents this
with the minimum additional power dissipation.
For all the dividers shown, the output impedance is about
Ω. This makes these fast, less than a nanosecond,
with most layouts. Avoid the temptation to use speedup
capacitors. Not only can they foul up the operation of the
ECL gate because of overshoots, they can damage the
ECL inputs, particularly during power-up of separate
supply configurations.
The level translator designs assume one gate load. Mul-
tiple gates can have significant IIH loading, and the trans-
mission line routing and termination issues also make this
case difficult.
ECL, and particularly PECL, is valuable technology for high
speed system design, but it must be used with care. With
less than a volt of swing, the noise margins need to be
evaluated carefully. Note that there is some degradation of
noise margin due to the
±5% resistor selections shown.
With 10KH/E, there is no temperature compensation of the
logic levels, whereas the LT1720/LT1721 and the circuits
shown give levels that are stable with temperature. This
will degrade the noise margin over temperature. In some
configurations it is possible to add compensation with
diode or transistor junctions in series with the resistors of
these networks.
For more information on ECL design, refer to the ECLiPS
data book (DL140), the 10KH system design handbook
(HB205) and PECL design (AN1406), all from Motorola.

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